標題: 建構以資料倉儲為基礎之決策支援雛形系統-以新竹市政府社會福利管理為例
Developing a prototype of decision support system based on data warehouses-A case study of social welfare management of Hsin-Chu City Government
作者: 陳幸俐
Shing-Li Chen
Dr.Duen-Ren Liu
關鍵字: 資料倉儲;決策支援系統;資料探勘;data warehouse;decision support system;data mining
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 九0年代資料倉儲等相關議題,開始受到重視,近幾年來國內外利用資料倉儲技術改變商業競爭模式,以強化競爭力之案例亦趨成長。惟大多見於商業化應用,鮮見於政府機關政策之訂定,然而在現今高度資訊化與網路化的時代裡,誰能掌握資訊誰就能掌握未來,不僅僅是企業團體,甚至是政府部門未來一樣會面臨非常劇烈的競爭。 有鑑於此,本研究整合規劃與社會福利有關之政府部門的資料庫,企圖建構一個「全國社會福利應用資料倉儲系統架構」,並以此架構為基礎作為本研究實作單位-新竹市政府社會局社會福利業務資料倉儲之範本架構,再輔以資料探勘與決策支援技術,呈現各種具價值之資訊模式,作為決策者日後執行各項福利措施之重要參考依據,以提昇服務品質,並期能做好我國邁向社會福利國家之林的準備與成功改造為「企業型政府」、「服務型政府」的新政府。
Recently, data warehousing has been widely introduced into enterprises to increase competitive advantages. However, data warehousing is rarely employed by governmental agencies for planning governmental policies. In the information and networking era, both the enterprises and governments need to face drastic competitions. Accordingly, information power is vital to lead in the future. This research integrates various governmental databases of social welfare to design a system-architecture of data warehousing for social welfare in Taiwan. The proposed architecture is used as the foundation to deploy the data warehouses for social welfare of the Hsin-Chu city government. Moreover, online analytical processing and data mining techniques are used to analyze varieties of social welfare information for decision support. The result provides important references and suggestions for decision makers in planning future welfare policies. Consequently, we expect the service quality of government can be upgraded. The research shows the vision of promoting our government to be “business oriented” and “service oriented” government.