標題: 組裝業e化現場管理監控系統之建置與設計
Design and Implementation of a web-based Shop Floor Control System for assembly industry
作者: 邱宏遠
Ruey-Shun Chen
關鍵字: 及時化;即時;Just In Time;Real Time
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 公司有70% 之資源均集中在生產線上,所以現場管理系統的優劣是工廠營 運盈虧最重大關鍵。隨著企業全球化與網際網路的普及,傳統集中式的現場管理系統,已無法因應全球運疇的需求。 未來企業發展朝向消費者最大滿足已是不可抵擋的趨勢,無論是B2B 訂單 模式,或是B2C 訂單模式的運作,亟需一套現場管理監控系統,以滿足客戶多變的需求,迎接 e 時代的競爭與挑戰。e化現場管理監控系統,提供Web based的現場即時資訊,就是在滿足客戶偏好、與因應千變萬化的市場需求。 本論文主要提出一套Web based的現場管理監控系統其目的在整合現場生產 過程中各相關資訊系統的即時連線電腦系統與企業資源計劃系統、供應鏈管理系統、客戶關係管理系統、連線整合。主要研究將運用VB、Java Script、ASP來 建立Web-based 的現場管理監控系統,將現場生產製造的即時資訊給予網路化、公開化、透明化,是一套所見即所得WYSWYG(What You See is What You Get) 現場管理監控系統。 本論文所研發的現場管理監控系統,可經由系統整合與Web化,讓企業老闆 及客戶都可透過 Internet實際掌握及監控現場生產的即時資訊,達到遠端管理 降低成本、爭取快速的交貨時效、贏得客戶信賴、並取得全球化最佳競爭優勢。 它適用於所有組裝業者如資訊業者、家電業者、通訊業者。
For a manufactory, about 70% of its resources are contained in production lines; therefore, having a shop floor control system (SFCS) is the key to the success of a business. Along with the popularity of global enterprise and internet, the traditional centralized SFCS no longer meets global logistics demanding. To meet customers’ maximum satisfaction is what enterprises have to work for inevitably in the future. No matter the business modality is B2B (business to business) or B2C (business to customers), it is necessary to have a SFCS to satisfy the diverse demanding from customers while dealing with the competitions and challenges in this wed-based era. An e-based (e-SFCS) SFCS provides customers with a web-based SFCS, which satisfies customers’ preference and meets a variety of market demands. In this thesis, we provide a web-based SFCS to integrate production process relation information real time on-line computer, enterprise resource plans (ERP), supply chain management (SCM) and customer relationship management (CRM). It aims at building up a web-based SFCS, using VB, Java Script and ASP, to spontaneously provide the public with the control production line process real time information openly and clearly, namely, a WYSWYG (What You See is What You Get) SFCS. Through system integration and Internet, this SFCS introduced here provides both business managers and customers with control production line process real time information and remote control, so as to reduce production costs and trading time, and to gain customers’ trust; furthermore, to win the global enterprise competition. This SFCS is applicable to all the manufacturers in assembly industry, including computers, electronics and telecommunications.
Appears in Collections:Thesis