DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorChin-Yin Chenen_US
dc.contributor.authorDr. Douglas F.S. Linen_US
dc.description.abstract「台資企業在大陸地區人力運用策略之探討」 -以科學園區某光電通訊公司為例- 研究生:陳金營 指導教授:林富松博士 國立交通大學 管理學院 (管理科學學程) 碩士班 摘 要 中國大陸自1979年實施改革開放政策以來,經濟快速發展,再加上擁有廣大的內需市場,所以許多外商及台商對大陸市場的投資比重也日益增加;雖海峽兩岸屬同文同種,但因分隔約半個世紀後,許多的觀念與態度差異甚大,也因此使得到大陸投資的台商在※經營管理上產生許多困擾與疑問。 本研究主要是在探討台資企業在大陸地區如何進行人力資源管理的企業功能;因人力資源管理的範疇很廣,再加上大陸資訊收集不易,如果要完成較大的研究議題有實際上的困難,因限於時空、人力及經費因素,所以本研究的探討重點就集中在大陸重點大學人才招聘事項的人力運用策略上。其主要原因是大陸土地廣擴、學校眾多,且大陸地區高學歷人力就業方式有其特殊性,故本研究即針對上述方向以科學園區的某光電通訊公司的案例來進行研究。 研究結果顯示,兩岸分隔約50年,雖為同文同種,但在許多思想與觀念上有極大的落差,但台灣企業要提升競爭力,佈局大陸是無法避免的潮流,所以人員的在地化及提升人力素質是要積極進行的事項;透過本研究個案公司的案例探討,相信能給台資企業一些人力資源管理實務上的參考與建議。 關鍵字: 內需市場 台資企業 人力資源管理 在地化zh_TW
dc.description.abstractA Human Resource Strategy Research of a Taiwan Company in Mainland China -A Case Study about an Optics & Communication Company of Science-based Industrial Park- Student:Chin-Yin Chen Advisor:Dr. Douglas F.S. Lin Master Program of Management Science National Chiao-Tung University ABSTRACT The government of Mainland China has already implemented a reform and modernized policy since 1979. Its economy has developed very fast. Mainland China has a big domestic market. Many foreign companies & Taiwan companies have invested in China. Both China and Taiwan have same culture and language, but the politic issues made them separated for almost half of a century. They have many differences in concept, attitude and behavior. So Taiwan’s companies have to cope with many difficulties and uncertainty when they run companies in China. The goal of this research is to find out the practices of human resource management in China. In China, the data collection have turned out to be not easy because we have to handle many problems (the area is too broad) and are limited to the manpower and budget. This research focuses on the Strategy of human resource about the recruiting activities of key universities in China. The main reasons are that China has many universities and vast land, in addition to their particularity about the employment type of high degree manpower. This thesis will be adopting a case study to analyze an optics and communication company in Hsinchu science-based industrial park. The result shows that there exist big differences between China and Taiwan. And it is obvious a trend for Taiwan companies to invest in Mainland China to increase their competitive capability. This is a going concern activity, and how to increase Manpower quality and adopt localization has become a vital issue. The results of this case study will offer some practical suggestions for the reference of human resource management field. Key word: Domestic market Taiwan companies Human resource management Localizationen_US
dc.subjectDomestic marketen_US
dc.subjectTaiwan companiesen_US
dc.subjectHuman Resource managementen_US
dc.titleA Human Resource Strategy Research of a Taiwan Company in Mainland China -A Case Study about an Optics & Communication Company of Science-based Industrial Park-en_US