標題: 擴展型方針管理之發展與應用:以半導體製造公司為例
An Extended Hoshin Kanri Planning System Development and Application with Case Studies on Semiconductor Manufacturing Company
作者: 楊宗銘
Yang, Tsung-Ming
Su, Chao-Ton
Horng, Ruey-Yun
關鍵字: 方針管理;半導體製造;組織變革;人力資源管理;招募;Hoshin Kanri;semiconductor manufacturing;organization change;human resource management;recruitment
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 近二十年來台灣半導體製造業在政府政策扶植下蓬勃發展,而該類公司的特性為分工縝密、製造技術複雜,由於快速的成長使得公司組織層級過多導致溝通複雜、缺乏效率等問題。為有效達成董事會訂定的營運目標,高階主管常專注於年度營運效率的提升。一般計劃方式往往藉由制定年度計劃或應用傳統策略規劃來改善過去的缺失,如此計劃之改善方案經常流於部門功能導向的改善而導致無謂的浪費甚或不同功能組織重覆執行而無法得到改善綜效。由於政府希冀能與全球接軌,修改法令將員工分紅費用化,使得台灣高科技企業的成本結構受到衝擊。如何彈性地運用人力以因應市場劇烈的變動並維持競爭力,遂成為最重要的課題之一;因此人力策略成為高科技業經營的重要課題。 方針管理過去多應用於品質管理的範疇,近來有學者提出不同模式與策略規劃相關應用的研究;本研究提出一套擴展型方針管理的模式,透過兩階段的改善方式,同時有效運用組織變革的觀念來進行改善並介紹實際案例。此模式成功的運用於半導體製造公司營運組織及人力資源管理並有效地推行;透過本研究提出的方法,個案公司成功地在三年內提升了百分之十以上的生產力及五年內節省三十六萬美金的招募成本。
Semiconductor manufacturing companies in Taiwan are characterized by multi-layer organizations with complex communication systems and complicated manufacturing technologies to achieve commitment from its board of directors. Senior management has always focused on operation efficiency in the past to fulfill their business needs. The planning method used is issue-based planning or formal strategic planning, leading to local optimization and duplicated redundancy. In order to compete with world-wide companies, the accounting regulation for employee benefit in Taiwan has been adjusted in 2008. High-tech companies in Taiwan need to review cost structure, especial is labor cost. The challenge now comes from an uncertain or fluctuating market demand. It is thus important to maintain flexibility in labor management. This study presents successful case studies by using an extended approach which was developed, based on Koshin Kanri (HK), to translate corporate strategies into executable action plans. A two-phase approach was applied to conduct successful organization changes and fulfill the objectives of the case company and obtain a smooth implementation. This approach was successfully implemented in the operation function and human resource management of the case company, revenue per headcount (RPH) was improved over 10% by a three-year period and reduced recruitment cost by US$ 360,000 in five years.