標題: 在高科技產業 Event-based EAI的方法:一個來自科學園區的實際例子
Event-based EAI Approach for High Tech Industry: A Real Example from Science-Based Industrial Park
作者: 柯淑靖
Shu-Chine Ke
Shyan-Ming Yuan
關鍵字: 在高科技產業Event-based EAI的方法;Event-based EAI Approach for High Tech Industry
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 在複雜的實際世界中,商業的運作是增加Customers與Partners的合作協同關係;現今的企業體必須能快速、有效率且彈性的改變以面對市場的迅速變遷,企業體能夠將他們核心的商業流程變的更有效率與更合理化,企業的彈性化與敏捷性將是企業體在未來的商場上具有競爭性的一個很重要的因素。商業流程的整合並不只是使用者作業程序的改變而已,而是IT (Information Technology) Infrastructures必須要能夠執行這些商業決策,反應這些商業流程的變更;若企業要進入電子商務的戰場,內部商業流程的整合是免不了的,企業內部的資訊系統的種類繁多與複雜程度,以大企業更是為甚;而要將企業內部的應用系統加以整合並非易事;再加上最近企業間的合併與併購,這些企業內部的資訊系統要達到最快速的功效與作用,則必須要利用EAI (Enterprise Application Integration )來整合這些資訊系統,然而整合並不只是資訊系統的接合,整合的重心應該是企業流程的整合,並且還應能快速的隨商業流程的變更而變更;所以提出以Event-based為主的一個EAI(Enterprise Application Integration )的方法並以此方法實際應用於高科技產業。
In complex and real world, business operation is to increase the collaboration relation of customers and partners. Today enterprises must move with speed, efficiency and flexibility in response to ever-changing market conditions. Enterprises must be more efficiency and more rationalized in their mission-critical business core processes. It is key factor that enterprises’ flexibility and agility will be more competitiveness in the future. The business process integration is not the change of the users’ operation procedure. It is the IT infrastructures can to execute these business decisions to behavior these change of the business processes. If enterprises want to enter the e-business battleground, it is must to do that the integration of the internal business processes. There are various application systems and these application systems are more complex in high tech industries. It is not easy to integrate these application systems in industries. And mergers and acquisitions is popular recently, these enterprises application systems want to achieve the quick efficacy and effect. That must to use EAI to integration these enterprises application systems. And it is not only the linking of these applications systems, the core of integration is the integration of business processes. Moreover the integration is change rapidly by the change of the business processes. So propose the Event-based EAI approach and implementation in high tech industry.
Appears in Collections:Thesis