Title: 膠帶製造業勞工甲苯暴露評估研究
Exposure Assessment of Toluene in a Tape Manufacturing Plant
Authors: 王繼翰
Wang Chi Han
Tung-Sheng Shih
Chuen-Jinn Tsai
Keywords: 自組被動式採樣器;現場測試;甲苯;二甲基甲醯胺(DMF);丁酮(MEK);乙二醇醚單乙基醋酸酯(EEAc);甲基異丁酮(MIBK);new passive sampler;field assessment;toluene;dimethyl formamide;ketone;ethylene glycolmonoethyl acetate;methyl isobutyl ketone
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 本研究係以勞工委員會勞工安全衛生研究所研發之自組式被動式採樣器,於膠帶製造工廠、PU合成皮製造工廠與網版印刷工廠等三不同作業環境中,在不同極性干擾物共存下,進行現場性能評估及勞工甲苯暴露評估調查。結果顯示在上述三種作業環境中,在現場溫度變化範圍為25-35℃,相對濕度變化範圍為50-90%,甲苯暴露濃度為0.26-363ppm的範圍內,並未發現新型被動式採樣器與傳統主動式採樣器有統計上之顯著差異(p=0.740) ,線性迴歸分析發現二者之相關係數高達0.930,斜率為0.934(n=69)。同時工作環境共存之二甲基甲醯胺(DMF)、丁酮(MEK)、甲苯、乙二醇醚單乙基醋酸酯(EEAc)及甲基異丁酮(MIBK)等常見有機溶劑,以主動式與新型被動式採樣器採樣結果的相關性也都很好,顯示在台灣高溫高濕的工作環境中,作業現場暴露的有機溶劑無論是單一種或是多種,不同極性干擾物共存下,均可獲得相當一致之測試結果,自組式被動式採樣器可取代主動式採樣器,用於作業現場之個人暴露評估之用,並可減輕重量、體積、採樣成本,提高勞工配戴意願,落實法令與政策。 本研究並進行膠帶製造工業勞工甲苯暴露評估調查,探討暴露變異與主要污染發生源所在。利用單因子變異數分析(ANOVA test)後發現不同生產線之勞工甲苯暴露有明顯差異(p=0.0002),但一週中不同工作日之間,上膠部門整體勞工之甲苯暴露濃度,則無明顯差異(p=0.09), 顯示上膠部門勞工甲苯暴露濃度可以選擇一週內任何一天進行,均具代表性。而分析這不同作業勞工一週個人平均暴露濃度值,則發現不同勞工個人間的甲苯暴露濃度存在明顯差異(p=0.0032), 顯示個人暴露變異數大,應增加測定勞工人數,細分不SEG(相似暴露群),然後再於每一SEG中隨機抽樣部分勞工進行採樣測定,較能獲得代表性之勞工暴露。 受試者於低、中、高濃度區的暴露劑量佔一天總暴露劑量(Dose)之比例分別為6.57 %:17.1 %:76.4 %,可知作業區域對作業中勞工暴露大小影響依序為高濃度區>中濃度區>低濃度區,顯示高暴露區之勞工滯留時間雖較短,但因暴露濃度極高,8小時高暴露區之暴露劑量貢獻百分比反而最高, 中濃度區的暴露來自高濃度區,而高濃度區的暴露來自底膠及面膠塗佈,因此膠帶製造工廠之上膠場中,底膠及面膠區應列為優先改善對象。
This study used a new passive badges developed from IOSH(Institute of Occupational Safety and Health Council of Labor Affairs). The new passive badges present field evaluation and measured exposured concentration of labors existed the different polar compound in factories manufacturing tape、PU artificial leather and printshop. Results showed that no statistical difference was found between the new passive badges and active samplers by paired-sample t test( P=0.740).Under the conditions of 25-35℃ , 50-90% RH, linear regression analysis showed a high correlation( r > 0.930 , slope = 0.934 , n=69)between the new passive and active samples over the exposure range of 0.26 to 363 ppm. Linear regression analysis showed a high correlation between the passive and active samples over the solvents such as dimethyl formamide(DMF), ketone(MEK), toluene, ethylene glycolmonoethyl acetate(EEAc) and methyl isobutyl ketone(MIBK) commonly used found in the working environment.Linear regression also showed a good correlation between passive and active samples under warm and humid environment in Taiwan whether one or several solvents and interfering chemicals existed in the workplace. So the new passive badges can replace the active badges for personal exposure assessment in the workplace. The advantages of the new passive badges are lessened weight and volume and fulfilling the law and policy. Also it can increase the willingness of the labor to pull on. The study also survey the exposure assessment of toluene in a tape manufacturing plant ,and find the exposure of variation and the major contamination. For the coating department labors, paired sample t-tests showed no significant difference(p=0.09)any day of a week, but showed significant difference(p=0.0002) between productive line. Since the between-day variation of exposures was small between any day of a week. Exposure assessment held on any weekday probably could provide a good estimation of workers, mean exposure in the workplace. Paired sample t-tests showed significant difference (p=0.0032) for the workers among the weekly mean exposure levels. among the workers. The between-person variation of exposure was large, and it should adds assessable worker, Divide similar exposure group to different SEG(similar exposure group) and random person air-sampling assessment from every SEG. So, representable labor,s exposure data can be acquired. Tester,s daily exposure dose ratio as 6.57 %:17.1 %:76.4 % in the low、medium、high exposure area. Exposure influence of the workers is high exposure area > medium exposure area > low exposure area. The retention time of the workers in the high exposure area is the shortest , but exposure concentration is the highest. Exposure of medium area is from high concentration exposure area. Exposure of high concentration area is from the coating area. To effectively reduce the exposure levels , the major interventions were focused on the engineering control in the coating departments.
Appears in Collections:Thesis