Title: BOT附屬事業(批地)對本體事業投資行為之影響
Land-Grant-Related investments and privatized infrastructure investments
Authors: 陳玉玲
Chen Yu-ling
Dr. Yu-Lin Huang
Keywords: 批地;專案融資;道德風險;賽局理論;公共建設民營化;Land grants;Project finance;Moral hazard;Game theory;privatized infrastructure
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 政府「批地(land grant)」是公共建設民營化為增加收益的策略之一,特許公司通常需要增加投資以獲得額外收益。影響投資決策的因素包括:財產權的歸屬、風險分派及專案融資的特性。。
Land grant is a common policy tool which can used to capture external benefits for privatized infrastructure projects. To capture the benefits, concessionaires usually need to make additional investment. The decision to invest is influenced by such factors as net proceeds from related property development, risks involved, and the way how the projects are financed.
In this study, Game theory is used to analyze concessionaires’ investment behavior under non-recourse project financing arrangements, The study finds that BOT investors tend to over-invest under non-recourse arrangements. The tendency is influenced by how the net proceeds from land-grants related investment is shore and the level of concessionaires‘ equity commitments. To avoid moral hazards of the concessionaires, financiers may reduce the amount of debts and thus increase the concessionaires’ capital commitments. The financiers may also ehannel additional resources to monitor the projects more closely.
This study uses those finding to trace the early development of Taiwan’s north-south high-speed rail project. The concludes land grants as a policy tool for privatized infrastructure projects can be further understood by game-theoretical analyses. A better understanding insures how the tool could be used in a more effective manner.
Appears in Collections:Thesis