標題: 民間參與交通建設補貼問題之研究:以大眾捷運系統為例
A Study on Subsidy for Private Participation in Transportation Infrastructure Projects : The Case in MRT Systems
作者: 陳秀貞
Hsiu-Chen Chen
Yu-Lin Huang
關鍵字: 民營化;自償率;外部效益;補貼;大眾捷運;BOT;Self-liquidating ratio;external;Subsidies;M.R.T
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 政府對BOT計畫財務可行性的評估,通常以專案的自償率(self-liquidating ratio)為基準,而大型交通建設因其計畫投資額度龐大、回收期長,其自償率普遍偏低,政府常需就計畫非自償部分進行補貼,才能吸引廠商投資。但關於補貼的社會效益,以及補貼額度等問題,至今還未有一套完整擬定之方式,民間與政府單位如何提出低自償率BOT專案之補貼,為當前公共建設民營化之重要課題。 本研究係為低自償率BOT專案補貼之研究,目的在於瞭解政府提供之補貼應為何,才可達到社會福利最大化,並符合社會公平性與給予特許公司之合理補貼。研究方法利用分析性最佳化(Analytic Optimization Approach)方式構建理論模式,而利用一低自償率BOT捷運案例,求解出其補貼,並加入福利經濟學的考量,其研究範圍為分析搭乘BOT大眾捷運(乘客)消費者剩餘、特許公司之生產者剩餘與外部效益,而在外部效益方面,分為節省旅運時間之效益、減低意外事故效益與降低空氣污染效益。經過模式建立與求解,由數學關係是可得知當政府補貼一單位對所有消費者或經濟個體產生之邊際社會福利都相等時,則決策變數變動均不會影響社會福利最大的情況,以達到模式最佳化的條件,經由案例分析可得知以專案自償率為控制政府補貼的關鍵,並提出以自償率作為研擬BOT大眾捷運補貼的依據。
Major transportation infrastructure projects usually generate substantial external benefits, but they are capital-intensive investments and require longer-term to pay back or hardly pay back. The Privatization of major transportation infrastructure projects usually require the government and the private-sector invest to find sound mechanism that value the projects to be privatized financially substanable public subsidy is such a mechanism very often used for build-operate-transfer(BOT) projects. The purpose of this research is to study how privatized transportation infrastructure projects could by subsidized. A formal optimization approach is used. Factor considered in deferring the amount of subsidy include social welfare, positive externalities, net revenues allocated from related property developments, and the Self-liquidating ratio of the project to be privatized. A mathematical model is developed, and an MRT project used as an application. Keyword: B.O.T,、Self-liquidating ratio、 Externalities、 Subsidies、 M.R.T
Appears in Collections:Thesis