Title: 應用重力法推求台灣最佳大地起伏模型之研究
A Study on the Determination of the Best Taiwan Geoid Model Using Gravity Method
Authors: 劉蕙菁
Hui-Ching Liu
Chun-Sung Chen
Keywords: 大地起伏;二維平面快速傅立葉轉換;一維球面快速傅立葉轉換;最小二乘配置法;geoid undulation;two-dimensional plane fast fourier transform;one-dimensional spherical fast fourier transform;least square collocation
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 隨著衛星科技之日漸成熟,GPS已廣泛的應用在物理大地測量學中,其提供了取得高精度幾何高差的機會,亦改變了傳統高程測量的方法及概念,因此如何將GPS觀測資料應用於高程系統中,已成為近年來一個重要的研究課題。然而應用GPS所測得之橢球高h與傳統高程基準所使用的正高H其高程之基準並不一致,因此有賴一與地球重力位有關的物理量以為橢球高與正高之間提供適當的轉換媒介,此物理量即為大地起伏(N=h-H)。若能以重力數據建立台灣之大地水準面模型,且其精度若能與GPS的測高精度相當者,那麼藉由兩者的結合即可求得精確的正高值,則GPS將可成為一極為經濟的測定正高之方法。
Due to the rapid development of GPS technique these years, it has been extensively applied to physical geodesy. GPS technique can obtain high-accuracy ellipsoidal heights, and change the face and concept of traditional heighting procedure. However, leveling height is orthometric and GPS height is ellipsoidal, so geoid undulation is essential for relating the two. If we can build up a high-accuracy geoid model, then GPS will be an inexpensive method to measure orthometric.
The geoid model has been strictly computed for Taiwan area in this research using Stokes’ formula with two-dimensional plane fast fourier transform (2D Plane FFT), one-dimensional spherical fast fourier transform (1D Spherical FFT) techniques and least square collocation (LSC) methods by remove-compute-restore technique. The computations of geoid undulations were carried out using data from EGM96 spherical harmonic model and residual terrain model for Taiwan. We use some gravity anomaly data, which are measured in different time, different distribution and different density, to compute the best Taiwan geoid model, and checked the accuracy of these models by GPS/Leveling observations.
The numerical analysis results show that the result using gravity anomaly collected by Academia Sinica (Yen et al., 1990) is better than other three items. The root mean square of the difference between the geoid undulations computed by gravimetric and GPS/Leveling methods is about 5 cm. According to the results, Stokes’ formula with 1D Spherical FFT is better then 2D Plane FFT method, and LSC is the best one. Moreover, the best Taiwan geoid computed by gravimetric is about 12.993 m to 28.564 m. The maximum, minimum, standard deviation, and root mean square of the difference between the geoid undulations computed by gravimetric and GPS/Leveling methods are 5.8, -9.5, 2.56 and 4.78 cm.
Appears in Collections:Thesis