Title: 流程導向之知識管理系統模式構建與實作—以TFT-LCD新產品研發流程為例
Modeling and Implementation of Process Oriented Knowledge Management System— Using New Product R&D Process of TFT-LCD as Example
Authors: 范曉梅
Hsiao-Mei Fan
Der-Baau Perng
Keywords: 知識管理;TFT-LCD新產品研發流程;Knowledge Management;New Product R&D Process of TFT-LCD
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 知識管理是一種能擷取公司內外所蒐集到的專家知識,並加以組織、保存、散佈至全公司,使大家都能分享,以創造公司最大競爭力的流程。由於市場需求之變動快速,產品必須不斷推陳出新,在許多以研發為利基的企業中,新產品研發活動的經驗累積就顯得非常重要,也是企業核心競爭力與獲利的重要關鍵因素。然而,目前大多數公司對新產品研發之流程仍舊缺乏具體的知識管理架構,使得研發過程中的各種知識不易被系統化的保存下來。因此,若能將知識管理的概念,有效的應用於新產品之研發流程當中,不僅可以組織、保存公司研發團隊先前所得之研發經驗與知識,對企業而言更是一種競爭力的延續與提昇。 本研究以流程導向之思考模式,分析一TFT-LCD的新產品研發流程個案,嘗試將此個案在新產品研發流程中所產生的知識項目加以歸類,並運用知識管理系統概念,建構一個流程導向式的新產品研發知識管理系統模式。希望此一知識管理系統之儲存架構與知識搜尋機制,對研發相關人員之知識累積與研發能量之提昇,能有積極實質之助益,進而提升企業的競爭優勢。
Knowledge management (KM) is a kind of process that helps companies to capture, store, codify, and distribute internal or external knowledge. Furthermore, employees can use the knowledge to promote the company’s competitiveness. Because the customers’ demand changes fast, the new products have to be developed accordingly. For most businesses, whose niche resides on the new product research and development (R&D), to cumulate and reuse the knowledge in the R&D process, is becoming much more important. However, it is not easy to store all kinds of know-how in the R&D process systematically owing to the lack of a proper KM framework. Therefore, if a company can effectively apply the concepts of KM into its new product R&D process, it not only can organize the experiences or knowledge acquired from the former product R&D teams but also can extend and promote the company’s competency. The main purpose of this research is to build up a process-oriented KM system that can be used in the new product R&D process. A prototype web-enabled KM system of a TFT-LCD case has been developed after analyzing and categorizing the knowledge in its new product R&D process. The implemented web-enabled KM system has the following advantages: the mechanism of knowledge storage and retrieval can help product developers to accumulate and find out the required knowledge quickly, to shorten the product R&D time drastically, and hence to promote the competitiveness of the business greatly.
Appears in Collections:Thesis