Title: 營建人力資源資訊管理系統之探討與構建-以橋樑工程為例
The Study and Implementation of Human Resource Management Information System of Construction Engineering - Using Bridge Construction Engineering as Example
Authors: 葉志祥
Chih-Hsiang Yeh
Der-Baau Perng
Keywords: 產業電子化;人力資源;ASP.NET;人力資源資料庫管理系統;e-commence;Human Resource;ASP.NET;Human Resource Management Information System
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 近年來,電子商務快速興起,全球產業紛紛採用電子化的方法,不斷地創新與改變經營方式,我國產業也不例外。由行政院大力推行的國內產業電子化可知,目前不僅是製造業、金融業、服務業要產業升級,營建業更需要投入大量的資金與心力來改善目前經營的困境。 比起製造業與金融業等其他產業,營建業可說處於是電子商務的沙漠地帶,制度的不健全、參與的成員眾多、施工的繁雜步驟等特性,都一再地阻礙營建業的電子化。整理這些營建業的特性後,可得知目前營建業最大的癥結在於人力資源的管理有很大的缺點。因此唯有針對這些問題提出解決辦法,營建業的電子化之路才可延續下去。 本文首先會提出營建業的發展現況與困境,探討這些問題發生的可能原因與將對營建業電子化帶來的衝擊;其次,會針對這些問題提出適合的解決之道,與探討這些辦法將對營建業電子化帶來的好處;最後本文將針對這些可能的解決之道,利用最新的資訊技術ASP.NET實作出一個人力資源資料庫管理系統,此系統將包含三個資料庫:人力專長資料庫、歷史專案資料庫、及教育訓練資料庫,利用這些資料庫將可進行五個主要的功能模組,包括:人事資料管理、員工考評、工程專案管理、計畫初始人力配置、以及員工教育訓練。本文將利用此系統套用在橋樑工程的施工步驟方面,並探討其使用的效能及成果。 營建業的發展與國家的經濟息息相關,千萬不可不輕忽營建業目前的困境,本文針對營建業困境發展出的系統,希望可對營建業的未來帶來新的營運模式,讓有火車頭之稱的營建業可以享受到電子商務帶來的方便與利益。
Recently, the rapid growth of Internet has made the worldwide businesses using electronic means to innovate and change their operational process and/or business model. Taiwan Government has conducted the electronic-commence (e-commerce) not only in the Manufacturing Industry, Finance Industry and Service Industry but also in the Construction Industry. Compared with many other industries, the construction industry is still in its infancy for e-commerce. The special feature of the construction industry in Taiwan is that the complicated construction steps are executed by numerous undedicated participators of several levels of sub-contractors. And hence, human resource management is a great problem in Taiwan’s construction industry. Therefore, this paper is to study and implement a human resource management information system for construction engineering. Firstly, the current situation of e-commerce applied for construction industry is briefly described. Secondly, a framework for e-construction is proposed. Thirdly, a prototype of human resource management information system in implemented by using the up-to-date information technology of ASP.NET. The system will include three databases: Human Specialty Database, Historical Project Database and Specialty Training Database. Meanwhile, there are five function modules implemented in accompanied with these databases. They are Human Resource Management module, Staff Efficiency Evaluation module, On-going Project Management module, before Pre-Project Human Resource Setting module and Employees Specialty Training module. The bridge construction engineering is used as an example to show the feasibility of the proposed system for e-construction.
Appears in Collections:Thesis