Title: 流量平衡為導向的黃光區綁機派工法
Flow-Balance Dispatching Rules for Photo Area With Dedicated Machines
Authors: 楊桂峰
Kuei-Feng Yang
Keywords: 綁機情境限制;流量平衡;批量綁機決策;黃光區派工法則;Machine-Dedication;Flow-Balance;Wafer Allocating;Photo Dispatching
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 隨著半導體晶圓製造的進步,產品規格精密度要求與日俱增,在晶圓的關鍵製程--黃光微影作業中,由於誤差可容忍度愈來愈小,必須藉由通過固定加工機台的方式,以提昇產品的良率,形成綁機(machine-dedication)限制的問題,當批量做出綁機決策後,及成為該綁機生產線的負荷。
The improvement of semiconductor manufacturing technology yields a machine-dedication characteristic. In a wafer fab, a wafer has to visit a workstation several times. A workstation involves a group of machines that are functionally identical. Yet, for some critical workstations, the processing of wafers is in high resolution and should be machine-dedicated. That is, a wafer visiting a machine one time has to be dedicated on the machine for the rest of operations.
Dispatching rules concerning the machine-dedication feature has been rarely investigated in literature. This research proposed a SA (starvation avoidance) rule for allocating the wafer lots to the dedicated machines and a flow-balance rule for dispatching the dedicated machines. Extensive simulation experiments show that the flow-balance dispatching rule outperforms the previous methods. Yet, there is no significant difference between the SA allocation rule and others.
Appears in Collections:Thesis