Title: 民營化後國光客運人力資源管理策略之探討
The Human Resource Management Strategies of Kuo-Kuang Bus Company
Authors: 李佳彥
Chia-Yen Lee
Jinn-Tsai Wong
Keywords: 人力資源管理;組織績效;公路客運;Human Resource Management;Organization Performance;Intercity Bus Transport
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 人力資源的概念,隨著人的因素對企業經營之影響力與日俱增,過去傳統視人力為企業成本的概念,已不適用目前的產業環境,人力資源已取代土地、資本,成為企業運作成長之主要動力。台汽於民國九十年七月完成民營化為國光客運,其營運狀況尚佳,有關人力資源策略的訂定,是影響公司內部運作之關鍵因素。以迴歸模式探討國光人力資源管理與組織績效關係,結果發現,人力資源管理成本對組織績效影響為正向關係,並以相同模式對台汽進行分析,比較結果發現,國光的人力資源管理表現優於台汽。
Human resource, replacing land and capital, becomes the most important factor for enterprises, and has huge impacts on business operation. On July 1, 2001, Taiwan Motor Transport Corporation(TMTC)was privatized to be Kuo-Kuang Bus Company. The performance of the privatized company is better than that before.
This study tried to explore the possible causes from the viewpoint of Human Resource Management(HRM)implemented in Kuo-Kuang. The regression analysis concludes HRM activities have positive effects on organization performance. Compared with TMTC, Kuo-Kuang`s HRM activities are better than that of TMTC.
Compensation, an item of HRM activities, is the focus of this research. Compensation in Kuo-Kuang is based on an incentive system which the reward is varied with revenue. Employees gain reward by enhancing revenue for company. By collecting the data of Taiwan bus market and using statistics to analyze the relation between incentive system and organization performance, we found Kuo-Kuang`s incentive system, excluding the external environment factors, does affect performance.
Appears in Collections:Thesis