標題: 安全分散式路由機制於行動特殊網路
A Collaborative and Distributed Mechanism for Secure Routing in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
作者: 徐偉倫
Wei-Lun Hsu
Tsern-Huei Lee
關鍵字: 行動特殊網路;安全;網路安全;Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks;Security;Network Security
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 行動特殊網路(Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks, MANETs)的路由演算法,使的無線隨意網路(Ad-Hoc Networks)的傳輸可以藉由鄰近的節點跳躍式的傳輸,這種傳輸的方式依賴的是節點之間的互相信任,當有惡意的節點想使你的路由失敗時,往往就對行動特殊網路造成很大的傷害。

所以前人擬定了一套信任評估的機制搭來改善這個問題,目的是使得網路內的節點可以選擇拒絕幫不信任的節點作傳輸以達到安全的目的,前人並搭配源路由(Source Routing)來做安全性路由,由信任評估機制選出值得信任的路徑再由源來挑選傳輸的路徑,若能確定負責傳輸的節點確實是值得信任的,那麼就可以達到安全的路由。

The routing algorithm for the mobile ad-hoc networks enables the ad-hoc networks to use hop-by-hop transmission. This type of the transmission depends on the trust between nodes. If attackers inside the network attempt to fail the routing, it always leads to a lot of damage in the mobile ad-hoc networks routing.

Therefore, a mechanism, called “Trust Evaluation Based Security Solution in Ad Hoc Networks [7]”, is proposed. Its idea is that nodes in the network can turn down the transmission request for untrustworthy nodes. This method cooperates with the source routing for implementing the secure routing. In this way, the trusty path is decided by means of “Trust Evaluation Based Security Solution in Ad Hoc Networks” and then the source chooses the transmission path. If the node which is responsible for transmission can be ensured to be trusty in this method, the secure routing can be completed.

However, it is not objective for the source to decide the transmission path. Thus, we propose a distributed mechanism for the secure routing. This mechanism divides a long path into many short paths and in each short path there is a node responsible for choosing the path. By this way, each node only needs to monitor nodes in the region and then the accuracy for trust evaluation can be raised. Besides, the security among the wireless network has to rely on several secure mechanisms and our mechanism proposed in this paper can easily cooperate with other protocols.
Appears in Collections:Thesis