Title: 台灣地區省道公路指示標誌系統改善之研究
A Study on the Improvement of Provincial Highway Guide Sign System in Taiwan
Authors: 謝敏郎
Hsieh Min-Lang
Dr. Hwang Cherng-Chwan
Keywords: 省道;指示標誌;規劃程序;標誌設置;標誌改善;交通標誌;provincial highway;guide sign;planning procedure;installation of sign;improvement of sign;traffic sign
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 良好的公路指示標誌系統,可協助用路人配合地圖順利到達目的地。政府投入相當經費在指示標誌的設置,但用路人對指示標誌滿意度卻不見提高。因而有必要對省道指示標誌的現況進行檢討與改善,使其發揮行車導引功能。
A well highway guide sign system could help highway users to arrive their destinations by maps easily. Although the government has invested a great amount of money in placing guide signs, highway users still not satisfied. In order to increase the function of the guide sign system, it is necessary to examine the problems of current provincial highway guide signs and propose measures of improvement.
The purpose of this research is to explore the current problem of the provincial highway guide signs and to develop a systematic procedure. Through the systematic planning procedure, it could improve the guide sign system dramatically. First of all, this research examines the major problems of current guide sign system of provincial highways. Second, it analyzes the opinions of highway users by conducting questionnaire survey, and then develop a guide signs planning procedure that fits Taiwan’s local situation and requirement based on the laws, rules and literatures from Taiwan and abroad. The major characteristics of the procedure are:
1.It provides a standard operation procedure for the installation of provincial highway guide signs.
2.It categorizes the guide signs by the characteristics of guidance information, and provides different information for different service function class of highways.
3.The selection of the place name fits the urban hierarchy. This will make highway users easier to drive following a map.
4.It provides a clear set of guidelines for the placement of freeways (expressways) and interchange guide signs.
According to the result of case study, if the guide signs were installed following the procedure proposed in this study, it will improve the major problems of the current provincial highways.
Appears in Collections:Thesis