Title: 複體系
the Allotrope
Authors: 廖嘉舜
Chia-Shun Liao
Yu-Tung Liu
Ci-yi Chang
Leslie H. Shih
Keywords: 極化;機制 / 機器;運作;疊層;結構;變向;移轉;polarization;mechanism;action / maneuver;folds;fabric;becoming;shift
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 本論文為一部設計導向的議題式空間創作集,由三個部分,六部作品所構成。強調設計運作的過程呈現,與對於新時代空間議題的討論。每一個斷章與作品皆包含了空間研究 / 系統研究 / 轉換研究 三個層次與步驟,茲分述如下: < 方志 > 依據地誌學所探討的觀點針對基地所面臨的空間性與時代性所作的場所設計。 < 邑易 > 發展都市涵構系統,執行一個蛻變中的新都市結構與循環體系。 < 域離 > 探討在下一個新世代的當代,空間機制會隨著領域的差異而有所不同,這個部分強調的是跨領域的機制研究與空間的互相作用。
This thesis is a kind of portfolio composed by 3 parts and 6 design projects,which emphasizes on representing the design process of spatial issues. Not only parts but also each project have 3 study phases including 1>spatial study 2> systematic system 3> shifting study, such as follows : <U-topos> this part exercises the design of spatiotemporal fields on site through the viewpoints of topology to study the Complex Fractions. <Su-tropisms> develop an urban context system and realize a looping fabric in mutations of urban structure, to study the Complex Systematic Fabric. <De-hors> spatial or social mechanisms shift from the differences of fields.This part emphasizes on studying the interaction between spaces and cross- field mechanisms in the next coming era, the complex Polysemous Shifts.
Appears in Collections:畢業論文