標題: 實體、虛擬與心智空間中人與週遭環境研究
A Body-surrounding Study in Physical, Virtual and Mental Space
作者: 黃千溥
Chien-Pu Huang
Liu, Yu-Tung
關鍵字: 實體空間;虛擬空間;心智空間;空間性;人;環境;口語分析;Physical space;Virtual space;Mental space;Spality;Body;Surrounding;Protocol Analysis
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 近年來建築領域中,隨著各種新工具、新媒材的運用,引發了對於實體、虛擬與心智空間等等空間類型的建築理論研究,其中空間性的分析評估與定義,更關係著建築設計與空間構成,以及建築領域對於實體與虛擬空間共構方式的探索。在這些空間性與空間感受的建築理論中,許多學者紛紛從社會學、哲學、心理等等各種方式,進行實體、虛擬與心智空間的空間性質與空間感受的類比與描述,本研究整合了建築理論與認知科學對於空間性與空間感受的相關研究,並從這兩類的研究中都佔有重要影響的「人與環境關係」的觀點,綜觀異種空間中類似空間性感受的來源。 本研究在實體與虛擬各種不同的空間型態環境中,進行目的地找尋以及空間印象描述的兩類的實驗,利用放聲思考的口語報告的方式紀錄,經過斷句與編碼,分析受測者在實體、虛擬與心智空間的行為模式,以及在不同空間中,人與環境的個別特性與構成空間感受的相對關係。 根據本研究結果指出,空間感的來源不僅只是關乎空間的型態本質,或是空間的構成等分析與評估方式,為了說明類似空間感受的形成,可以從空間訊息獲得的豐富性、空間構成的理解與推理程度,以及動作改變與意圖的可及性等向度,得到人在認知空間構成與感受空間的重要評估指標。另一方面,構成這些空間知識,主要的來源便是空間中人與環境物件的屬性與相對關係的了解,而異種空間的差異,就不只是二元性的絕對描述,而是人與環境物件的屬性的不同,與相對關係與密切等級變化,這也形成了對於實體、虛擬與心智空間在建築理論上的新觀念。 因而,對於現在越來越多元的空間呈現與構成方式的相關研究範疇,本研究證實認知行為的研究方式,得以作為建築理論中實體與虛擬空間形式的理論基礎,以及對於形成心智空間的了解,結果也將影響數位訊息的空間感受評估以及多重空間共構的發展。
With the flourishing of architectural creation via all kinds of media, a theoretical comparison among physical, virtual and mental space becomes a fevered issue about spatial sense due to the similar sense of space. One of the important approaches is the analysis and identity of spatiality. This must concern with architectural design and the constitution of space, and it reveals the co-construction of physical and virtual space. In order to deal with the spatiality and spatial sense within architectural theoretical research, many researchers analogized and described the spatial essence and impression of physical, virtual and mental space with methods of sociology, philosophy, psychology and so on. In all of these researches, body-surrounding relation and related issue were mentioned frequently in both architectural and cognitive scope. This study revealed that even if the spaces constructed with distinct essence, a body-surrounding relation is an efficient way to formalize the problems of spatiality and relativity among three typical spaces. There were two kinds of cognitive experiments taken via each physical and virtual special environment. The experience of within different space could be recorded in the way of think-aloud as protocol raw data. After segmenting and coding, the cognitive behavior processes could be analyzed; the essence and relation between body and surroundings could be revealed. According to the results in this research, where the spatial sense comes from is not only the essence of different spatial type or the way they composed. With estimating the abundant spatial information, the capability of spatial comprehension and reasoning, and carrying out the intention in mind, those illustrate the similar spatial sense of different kinds of spatial pattern. At the same time all of this spatial knowledge comes from what we perceive from surroundings and the related body. With the vague demarcation line among physical, virtual and mental space, the way to distinguish each space cannot be described with duality absolutely. A new theoretical viewpoint about spatiality was brought up in this research, and it was considered that the different representation of space should be transformed with the diversity of body in that space and the related surrounding condition.