Title: 以專利指標衡量台灣生物晶片產業之創新能力
Evaluation of Innovative Capability of Taiwan’s Biochip Industry with Patent Indicators
Authors: 洪志勳
Hung Chih-Hsun
Dr. Shang-Jyh Liu
Keywords: 創新能力;專利分析;專利指標;專利地圖;生物晶片;innovative capability;patent analysis;patent indicators;patent map;Biochip Industry
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 根據美國專利局USPTO的統計,台灣近年來在美國申請的專利一直都維持在全球第四名,然而評估台灣的創新能力,不應只是講求「以量取勝」,而更應需主張「以質超越」的專利佈局。
Taiwan has created an “economic miracle” with the manufacturing advantages of low cost in the past forty years. Nevertheless, technology innovation has become a very critical factor to upgrade Taiwan’s competitiveness. According to the statistics of USPTO, the number of patents assigned to Taiwan is ranked in the fourth place of the nations in the world. In addition to the achievement in terms of patent quantity, Taiwan has to enhance her patent quality in order to gain the advantages in the knowledge era.
This study employs the patent analysis tool, Patent Guider, to analyze the patent data , and then applies several patent indicators to reveal the embedded information within it. This research aims at using the patent indicators to reflect the development in the “number” and “quality” of the patents in Taiwan’s biochip industry.
This research utilizes patent indicators to measure the innovative capability of the Biochip industry in Taiwan. In comparison to the patent data of four countries, i.e., USA, Japan, German, and China, Taiwan’s technological competitiveness can then be assessed. It is found that the Biochip technology is in the introduction stage. The technology strength of U.S.A is rated number one and then follows China (3.0), Taiwan (2.9), Japan (1.1), and German (0.8). USA also predominates the citation rate of patents (Cites Per Patent.), and the leading American Company, Affymetrix, holds many key patents and leads the technology in the world. Taiwan is increasing her number of patents as well as cites per patent.
Appears in Collections:Thesis