標題: 台灣微陣列生物晶片之產業競爭與發展策略
Industrial Competition and Development Strategy of
作者: 洪寶耀
Pao-Yao Hung
Dr. Joseph Z. Shyu
關鍵字: 生物晶片;微陣列生物晶片;國家產業組合;產業創新需求要素;政策工具;biochip;micro-array biochip industry;Industrial Portfolio Analysis;Industrial Innovation Requirements (IIRs);Policy Instruments
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 本研究以產業組合分析模式為基礎,分析台灣微陣列生物晶片產業目前發展的定位所在、未來發展走向,並建議政府在發展過程中各階段所需支援的政策工具。 本研究主要以產業組合分析模式作為基礎的理論模型,架構出台灣微陣列生物晶片產業的分析模式,並分別以市場成長曲線與產業價值鏈作為模型的橫縱軸。分析後結果得出,台灣目前微陣列生物晶片發展位於市場成長曲線中的萌芽期,以及產業價值鏈中的基礎研究部分;未來則會朝向市場成長期與應用研究的方向邁進。研究方法的部分,本研究採取文獻分析、專家問卷與專家訪談的方式,並在在統計方法上兼採有母數統計與無母數統計方法,以進行小樣本專家問卷之統計推論。 對於政府應如何輔助台灣微陣列生物晶片產業的發展,本研究建議針對下列幾項要素與政策工具做優先的重點加強:針對「企業創新能力」,建議實行「獎勵個人研究,提升實驗室設備品質」與「開辦多元課程,提升員工素質」,針對「國家基礎研究能力」則建議「放寬產業與學校教授互通門檻」、「加強整合研發單位與資源」與「以獎學金制度鼓勵學子出國深造,引進國外新興技術」;針對「專利制度」建議「加強專利法與智財權輔導制度」,針對「提供長期資金的銀行體系」則建議推動「政府投資大型生物晶片公司,使其產生產業領導者之作用」以及「整合大型公家銀行投資或長期融資」。
This research uses the Industrial Portfolio model to evaluate the Industrial Innovation Requirements and national Policy strategically necessary for the development of Taiwan’s micro-array based biochip industry. The portfolio model entails a 2-dimensionalmatrix, in which the Taiwan’s market s-curve and the supply chain of the micro-array Biochip industry are used as, respectively, the vertical and horizontal axes. Three methods are used for data collection, including literature analysis, expert interview, and general survey. We have found that the Taiwan’s micro-array biochip industry are positioned at the burgeoning phase of the market s-curve and fundamental research of the biochip value chain, and going to position at the developing phase and the applied research area in the near future. This research reveals that the most critical categories of policy instruments are in the areas of the Innovative Ability of Enterprises, the Research Ability of the Country, the Pattern Right and the Long-term Financial System. This research also recommends that Taiwan should improve the quality of laboratories and employees, enforce the communication channel between industries and universities, and integrate National R&D resources. Moreover, this research suggests that the government should invest in the biochip companies and establish a large-scale capital market to facilitate the development.