標題: 台灣基因晶片之產業組合分析與創新政策
A Portfolio Analysis and Innovation Policy of Taiwan's DNA Chips Industry
作者: 黃煜程
Yu-cheng Huang
Dr. Joseph Z. Shyu
關鍵字: 基因晶片;產業組合模式;創新政策;產業創新需求要素;DNA chips;Industrial Innovation Requirements (IIR);Industrial Portfolio Analysis
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 生物科技為本世紀之新興產業,預計將為全人類帶來一股巨大的浪潮,而生物晶片更是屬於生物科技中相當值得發展的一塊領域,世界各國莫不爭相投入;因此,本研究以國家產業組合模式(Industrial Portfolio)分析我國生物晶片產業中基因晶片(DNA Chips)之發展方向,並建議政府在發展基因晶片產業各階段中所應支援之產業政策。 本研究之主要架構以產業組合分析模式為基礎,設計出基因晶片產業組合分析模式,其定位構面縱軸為我國基因晶片市場成長曲線,而橫軸為基因晶片產業供應鏈。本研究在研究方法上採取文獻分析、專家訪談與專家問卷調查,而在統計方法上兼採有母數統計與無母數統計方法以進行小樣本專家問卷之統計推論。 研究結果發現,以目前基因晶片的發展定位而言,基因晶片介於市場成長曲線之萌芽期與成長期之間,且位於產業供應鏈之基礎研究與應用研究的階段。由於基因晶片目前的售價仍高,因此所開拓的市場有限,不過,相信未來在成本上的降低之後,將可進入供應鏈之應用階段,並達市場成長期。 此外,本研究針對基因晶片領域目前市場之定位與未來應發展之方向,並根據產業需求要素與政策對應關係,提出台灣在『公營事業』、『科學與技術開發』、『教育與訓練』及『財務金融』四項政策工具是首要努力的方向。『公營事業』之具體政策包括「投資成立大型生物晶片公司」,『科學與技術開發』之具體政策包括「提供獎金與實驗室設備」,『教育與訓練』之具體政策包括「協助培訓,培養專業人才」,『財務金融』之具體政策包括「創新研發的獎勵」、「國科會、經濟部等提供足夠研究經費」、「整合大型公家銀行投資或長期融資」。
This thesis reports a strategic analysis on the development of Taiwan’s DNA chips industry. A portfolio model is used to assess competitive and strategy requirements for the development. An attempt is also made to provide policy recommendations, as demanded by industrial firms, to the government. The portfolio model entails a 2-dimensional analysis, containing Taiwan’s market s-curve (vertical axis) and the supply chain (horizontal). Three research methods are used for data collection, which include literature review, expert interview, and general survey. The DNA chips industry is positioned between the burgeoning phase and the developing phase of the market s-curve, and between the fundamental research and the applied research of the biochip industry supply chain. The development of the DNA chip market is limited to the costs, but it will orient toward the applied research after cost reduction. Evaluating the Industrial Innovation Requirements and Policy Tools leads to a recommendation that the most critical categories of policy instruments be Public Enterprise, Scientific and Technical Development, Education, and Financial. More specifically, the government should help industrial firms to form a large network specializing in biochip technology, provide rewards for innovation and experimental equipments, and develop expertise to expedite the developments of knowledge in the industry. Moreover, the government should also help form effective capitalization means, including grants, bank loans, and venture capital funds help the research institutions and biotech companies obtain needed financial.