標題: 台灣系統單晶片產業策略規劃之研究
Strategic Planning of Taiwan’s SOC Industry
作者: 李宏燦
Hong Tsan Lee
Joseph Z. Shyu
關鍵字: 系統單晶片;產業組合分析模式;創新需求資源與要素;創新政策;矽智財交易中心;關鍵矽智財供應商;System on a Chip;Industrial Portfolio Analysis;Industrial Innovation Requirements;Innovation Policy;IP Mall;Star IP Provider
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 本研究以產業組合分析模式,規劃台灣SOC產業發展策略,利用「產業價值鏈」與「策略群組」為區隔變數,定位出目前台灣IC/SOC產業所處的競爭地位及未來發展方向;並利用政策關聯性推衍出產業發展所需之政策工具;透過問卷分析與專家座談會針對發展成為關鍵矽智財供應商與智財中心所缺乏不足的創新政策,進行產業分析以及政策規劃與建議。 本研究定位台灣IC/SOC產業目前位於營運效能領導者與親密顧客服務導以及產業價值鏈中段 (製造與代工部份) ,建議其未來應沿系統單晶片產業價值鏈向前段整合。嘗試由專業代工廠、虛擬晶圓廠切入設計創新階段之矽智財交易中心 (IP Mall) ,最後朝向邊際利潤最高之關鍵矽智財供應商 (SIP Provider) 發展。 針對發展成為矽智財中心及關鍵矽智財供應商之目前定位與未來應發展之方向,根據產業需求要素與政策對應關係,提出台灣大力發展系統單晶片產業所應加強之產業政策細目。研究結果顯示,在發展成為智財中心及關鍵矽智財供應商的過程中,應配合之政策工具分別為「科學與技術之發展」、「教育訓練」及「政策性措施」,並提出相關創新政策之建議。 而專家座談會中所提出的具體政策建議包括:關鍵矽智財之研發由政府鼓勵及補助或由國家出面領導研發、大量培育及開放各地 (包括大陸) 高科技人才來台、加強智財權與專利法之研究與保護、培養提供專利服務與法律諮詢的人才、建立共同設計平台促進不同廠商間矽智財之交流與分享、提升矽智財的重複使用率等;與本研究之研究結果及政策建議的方向相同,再次驗證本研究所使用產業組合分析模式的適用性與正確性。
This thesis reports on strategic planning of Taiwan’s SOC Industry. Specific emphasis is placed on strategic planning, industrial portfolio analysis, industrial innovation requirements (IIRs) , and innovation policies. Attempts are made to provide policy recommendations to Taiwan IC firms positioning at different strategic segments. The portfolio model entails a 2-dimensional analysis. The strategic grouping and the value chain represent, respectively, as the vertical and horizontal variables. Results show that the majority of the Taiwanese firms in the industry are positioned as the manufacturers or OEM suppliers, and only a few IC design houses possess leveragable in the IP Mall, or Star IP Providers. This research suggests that future prospects should focus on cultivating core technology, and developing in the design of innovative products. The analysis of the Innovation Requirements and innovation policy reveals that the most critical categories of the policy instruments are “Scientific and Technical Development”, “Education”, and “Political”. Specifically, the government should dictate and subsidize the development of the star IPs, establish an educational framework for the SOC industry to enhance relevant expertise and human resources, maintain technological superiority to that of China, and reinforce intellectual property protection and patent laws. In addition, government should encourage diffusion and exchange of IPs among SOC firms to assist applications and sharing of IPs. A result in accordance with the expert interviews held during the course of this research.