Title: 台灣生技製藥產業創新需求與創新政策之研究
An Analysis of Portfolio and Innovation Policy of Taiwan's Biopharmaceutical Industry
Authors: 劉靜文
Ching-Wen Liu
Joseph Z. Shyu
Keywords: 生技製藥產業;生物技術;產業組合分析;產業創新需求要素;政策工具;Biopharmaceutical Industry;Biotechnology;Industrial Portfolio Analysis;Industrial Innovation Requirements;Policy Instruments
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 本研究以產業組合模式(Industrial Portfolio)分析台灣生技製藥產業之發展策略,並利用政策關聯性推衍出產業發展所需之政策工具,提供政府在發展生技製藥產業各階段中所應支援之產業政策。主要架構是以產業組合分析模式為基礎,配合生技製藥特性設計出一具有兩個構面之矩陣模型,構面的縱軸為我國生技製藥之技術成長曲線、橫軸為生技製藥產業價值鏈。在研究方法方面,本研究採用文獻分析、專家訪談與專家問卷調查,專家問卷之統計推論兼採用有母數統計與無母數統計方法以進行小樣本分析。
This thesis reports on a strategic analysis of the development of Taiwan’s biopharmaceutical industry, using a portfolio model to assess competitive and strategic requirements for the development. The portfolio model entails a 2-dimensional analysis, containing technology life-cycle (vertical axis) and the value chain (horizontal). Three research methods used for data collection are literature review, expert interview, and general survey.
Result point out that the biopharmaceutical industry is now positioned at the technology acquisition stage of the technology life cycle, and the basic/applied research phase of value chain. The future direction should aim at basic/applied and the clinical phases.
Evaluating the Industrial Innovation Requirements and policy tools leads to a conclusion that the most critical categories of policy instruments be Scientific and Technical Development, Education, Governmental purchase, Publicly-owned Enterprises and Finance. The government should organize international biotech exhibition, assist in the acquisition foreign technology to improve quality of domestic R&D, encourage corporations to participate in government sponsored R&D projects, and establish data base platform for needed human resources. Moreover, this research suggests that the government should establish industry-specific capital markets to facilitate the development.
Appears in Collections:Thesis