Title: | 我國頻率釋出與業務執照分離發照之研究 A Study on the Independent Licensing of Radio Spectrum and Radio Services |
Authors: | 翁嘉德 Chia-Ter Wong 虞孝成 Hsiao-cheng Yu 科技管理研究所 |
Keywords: | 頻譜管理;頻率釋出;電信業務政策;電信監理;frequency management;frequency licensing;radio service policy;telecommunication management |
Issue Date: | 2002 |
Abstract: | 近年來,行動通訊等業務持續快速成長,對頻譜資源的需求也日益殷切,無線電頻譜為一無形之稀有資源,為全民所共有,主管機關必須持續監督管理,確保頻譜資源的最有效利用,俾使人民與產業互蒙其利。 我國於86年開放四項行動通信業務,包括行動電話、無線電叫人、行動數據通信、中繼式無線電話等,至91年為止,除行動電話業務經營狀況良好之外,其他業務均已呈歇業狀態,由於我國採取業務執照與頻率釋出整合發照的方式,頻譜在特許期間內並無一有效機制可進行移轉作為他用,導致擁有頻譜者無法發揮頻譜效益,需求頻譜者卻無頻率可用的情形,因此,頻譜與業務執照監理制度實有其修正的必要。 主要先進國家電信監理機關已考慮在頻譜競標制度下,允許頻譜之出租、轉售、甚至享有提供任何型態電信服務之自由。本研究將考慮我國電信市場現況,分析我國頻率釋出與業務執照分離發放應開放之程度,並為避免現今行動通信經營困難業者過去投資浪費,亦將研究解除其服務型態限制之可能性,本研究結果可供我國電信監理機關政策制訂參考。 Due to the rapid progress of radio communications technologies ,the wireless telecommunications and digital broadcasting services are becoming versatile and popular. Nevertheless ,the competition is also very fierce. In the past, a service operations license and a frequency assignment were bundled together. A specific set of services is associated with each assigned frequency. However, after years of market evolution, some service types have become uncompetitive and the assigned frequencies have ended up under utilized. Under auction frequency awarding systems, some foreign authorities allow awardees to rent,re-sale and even have the flexibility to offer any type of services. This study will investigate to what extend the independent licensing of radio spectrum and radio services with view of the telecom market of Taiwan. The possibility of relaxing the service type restrictions for operators currently in hardship will also be explored in order to prevent loss of their past investment. The findings of this research will be recommendations to DGT for policy and regulation making. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/69988 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |