標題: 無線電頻譜管理與3G法規
Radio Spectrum Management and 3G Regulations
作者: 黃麗菁
Dr. Hsiao-Cheng Yu
關鍵字: B3G;世界無線電通訊大會;頻譜管理;無線區域網路;B3G;WRC;WLAN;Spectrum Management
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 近年來無線通訊科技快速進步,且與網際網路密切結合,再加上人們的需求已從單純的通話演進到對各種資訊附加服務的需求、甚至是對多媒體影像傳輸的需求等,更加速促進無線資訊服務蓬勃發展,因此對無線電頻譜之需求日益增加。由於頻譜資源有限,本研究探討如何善加管理及運用頻譜資源,協助業者於提供3G及後3G服務時均能公平獲得頻譜資源,達到促進我國電信產業進步、增進消費者權益與方便性的目標。 第三代行動通訊(International Mobile Telephone 2000, IMT2000)標準能提供2Mbps的傳輸速率以因應語音、數據與影像傳遞之需求。然而,目前所分配的頻寛對未來各種寛頻多媒體服務來說,仍有不足之虞。因此,WRC正討論如何在國際上達成支配新無線電頻譜供B3G之用。新一代寛頻無線通訊技術的研發一直不斷地在世界各地進行著,隨著無線通訊技術的演進,新的無線電通訊頻譜管理技術也必須配合新的頻譜使用方式,諸如動態頻譜分配(Dynamic Spectrum Allocation),以及頻譜協調共用(Frequency Coordinated Sharing)。 本研究探討三大主題:1.分析世界無線電通信大會(World Radio-communication Conference, WRC)之任務組織、功能以及各參與機構之角色和權利、2.探討無線電通訊技術發展之新趨勢,特別是WLAN、Zigbee、UWB(Ultra Wideband)及B3G之頻譜需求、3.分析各國2G業者演進至3G之法規及管理規範。
The rapid growth and popularity of mobile communications and Internet has fostered the two areas of technologies to work closely to offer new services, i.e. multimedia and value-added mobile Internet services. This accelerated the competition of radio spectrum which has become a precious and scarce resource. It is anticipated that the current spectrum allotment for 3G is not sufficient, let alone even higher spectrum demand of B3G services. This study kept close monitor of new issues and trends of spectrum allotment discussed in WRC2003; the latest technologies and spectrum requirements of mobile services such as WLAN, WATM, UWB, and B3G etc.; the latest Dynamic Spectrum Allocation and Frequency Coordinated Sharing technologies etc.; and the latest spectrum management regulations such as 3G and B3G regulations. From the WRC2003 Spectrum allotment, we found that it is important for us to plan the spectrum allocation properly as soon as possible for public safety and emergency rescuer. The success of Wi-Fi has brought the management issues of unlicensed band to the attention of spectrum regulators. It was the purpose of this study to summarize the spectrum management regulations of other countries in an attempt to recommend to Taiwan government an unlicensed band spectrum regulation. The impact of Dynamic Spectrum Allocation and Frequency Coordinated Sharing technologies to unlicensed band spectrum management has been discussed.