DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorLiu Wen-Jenen_US
dc.contributor.authorDr. Shang-Jyh Liuen_US
dc.description.abstract  知識藉由專利權而得以發揮經濟效益,國家或企業擁有專利數目多寡,非僅關乎企業競爭力,也可視為國家整體競爭力指標。專利在科技活動中為被視為創新的產出,而且OECD早已利用專利衡量國家的科技水準,CHI公司也提出一系列專利的量化指標,來衡量國家或企業的技術能力。 本研究目的,就是在DVD產業的技術中,分析台灣廠商的技術能力強弱。在DVD產業的技術現況,試圖找出台灣在相關專利佈局的弱項,有助於業界明晰自己實力與研擬發展的方向。研究方法則是依循CHI公司所建立的專利指標,並且輔以專利分析和專利地圖,作為DVD光碟機產業國際及不同公司技術創新的比較。 本研究的實證分析發現與結論有以下幾點: (1)DVD光碟機的技術生命週期屬於成長期的高峰; (2)全球DVD光碟機技術專利發展狀況中,G11B、G06F、H04N和H01L等技術領域專利件數近年成長速度快,為光碟機核心技術發展所在。而H02K光碟機主軸馬達控制機械的部分,專利件數近年沒有成長跡象; (3)主要專利權國家專利現況分析,技術強度的排名分別為日本、美國、南韓和台灣。日本的技術強度具有壓倒性的優勢。台灣進入市場晚,累積的創新能量依舊不敵技術先進的國家。台灣在專利佔有率為3% ,不過近年的專利成長率為54.83% ,排名第一,顯示技術創新投入的積極程度; (4)主要國家的核心技術發展分析,日本和美國差異性大。南韓和台灣專利技術主要引證的對象皆是日本。台灣的技術獨立性不如南韓,台灣專利對南韓的引證率高達17.6%; (5)在技術更新速度上,台灣落後整個產業的平均值。南韓技術更新速度則和日本一樣快; (6)主要的專利權人方面,以SONY的專利強度排名第一,其中其美國專利號US5003521為基礎專利。南韓三星已具備和國際接軌的技術實力。台灣方面的專利能量尚弱,缺乏關鍵零組件的技術能力,難以突破代工的困境。然而透過和國際大廠聯盟或合資的方式,可以確保技術的來源與降低權利金的支付,並逐漸累積技術實力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIntellectual Property has become the leading indicator of measuring the intangible knowledge and patents, are commonly regarded as the creative capability of an enterprise and a nation. OECD has employed patents to examine the technological strength of a nation. This study aims to compare the technological capability among leading nations and companies in the DVD ROM Industry. Moreover, the research contents herein reveal the outcomes of patent analysis as a result of the technological status of the Industry. This study also helps to identify the weakness of Taiwan’s patent portfolio, and leads to guide the development of the industry in the future. This study has reached the following conclusions and suggestions: (1) The technological life cycle of the DVD ROM is in the peak of its growth period. (2) In the development of the technology in DVD ROM Industry, the patents of IPC G11B, G06F, H04N and H01L have grown rapidly in recent years, which are the core technology in the Industry. However the patents of H02K, the spindle motor of DVD ROM, has reached a stable status. (3)As regards the major assignees in terms of countries, it founds that the rankings as follows: Japan, America, South Korea, and Taiwan. Japan has the overwhelming advantage. As a late mover of this industry, the technological strength of Taiwan yet can’t compete against the advanced competing countries. Taiwan takes possession of three percent of total; patents in this area. Nevertheless, in recent years, the Taiwan’s growth rate in patent number is 54.83%, which is ranked number one. It therefore reflects the fast growing inventive capability of Taiwan. (4)This study finds out that Japan and America differ in their core technology. The patents of Taiwan and South Korea mainly cite the ones of Japan. It also suggests that the technological independence of Taiwan is not equal to South Korea, because of 17.6% citation of Taiwan’s patents are from that of South Korea. (5) In the speed of the technological upgrading, Taiwan’s TCT is greater than the industry average. South Korea’s TCT is equal to Japan’s. The performance of South Korea’s technology indicates their strength. (6) The leading assignee is SONY, and its technology strength is on the top of the industry. The patent US 5003521of SONY is the most important one. South Korea’s patent can compete against that of Japan and America. However, Taiwan is relatively weak in the patents counts and quality, and Taiwan lacks the technology for producing key components. As a result, Taiwan needs to form alliance with other international companies, and accumulate it own technology strength in order to reduce its pressure on royalty as well as to ensure its technology sourcing.en_US
dc.subjectinnovative capabilityen_US
dc.subjectpatent indicatorsen_US
dc.subjectpatent analysisen_US
dc.subjectDVD ROMen_US
dc.titleMeasuring Innovative Capability with Patent Indicators:The Case of DVD Industry in Taiwanen_US