Title: 網路戀情者個人特質與其網戀經驗之初探
An Exploratory Study on Personality and Experience of the Cyber Lovers
Authors: 邱秋雲
Chiu-Yun Chiu
Liang-Wen Kuo
Shu-Chu Sarrina Li
Keywords: 網路戀情;依附型態;自我揭露;網頁問卷調查;深度訪談;Cyber Romance;Adult attachment Style;Self-disclosure;On-line Questionnaire Survey;In-depth Interview
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 本研究針對「透過網路建立、發展愛情關係者」為研究對象,以了解網路人際關係的許多面向:網路中介之角色、網路使用者人格特質之影響與其相互間的關係。以依附理論衍生的成人愛情依附型態,以及自我揭露作為探討網戀者人格特質與其互動之依據,第一階段進行網路問卷調查,收集網戀者的人口特徵與研究樣本個人愛情依附型態之資料;第二階段依不同愛情依附型態與性別選取十位受試者進行深度訪談,以獲取更多有關網路戀情之質性資料。
This study focuses on the subjects who “establish or develop the love relationship through the Internet" so as to realize many facets of the social interaction on the Internet, such as the impact of the mediating role of the Internet, Internet users’ personalities and the interaction between those users. Based on the adult’s love attachment style derived from the attachment theory and the self-disclosure behavior, we study the cyber lover’s personalities and their interaction. In the first stage, we carry on the on-line questionnaire survey, gather the demographics of cyber lovers and study personal love attachment styles of the specimens; in the second stage to obtain more related quality data of the cyber romance, we apply in-depth interview to ten subjects, according to the factors of the different love attachment styles and sex.
The questionnaire results find that compared with the blanket internet users, the time the specimens spend on the Internet averages up to 25.64 hours a week, which shows cyber lovers log on the Internet more frequently than blanket internet users. Furthermore, for cyber lovers, the degree of the self-disclosure is higher in "on-line interaction" than in "face-to-face communication." Besides, it is found that the majority of the cyber lovers belong to the anxious attachment style, which suggests cyber lovers have their personality tendency. And among them, the desire and anxiety for intimate relationships are stronger in women than in man.
The interview results find that the internet is usually a window for the subjects to unleash their feelings when they are frustrated or under pressure, and at this moment in time, intimate relationships can be developed further if intimate cyber friends are able to listen to them and offer help. However the cyber romance would result in a sense of insecurity or distrust and thus higher risk because of anonymous and lack of social clues. Most interviewees think that the Internet is just a medium for communication, and cyber romance is not removed from tradiation romance. However, some interviewees find that there are still differences in the interaction model of romance between on line and off line, particularly when both sides disagree with each other, the Internet can be served as a buffer, a bridge for communication.
In conclusion, the Internet indeed has a positive social function. By collecting the data from those who have personally experienced the cyber Romance, the study hopes to make some contributions to the study of the Internet social interaction and to further investigate the connection between the personalities and internet behavior of the people who love to surf on the Internet.
Appears in Collections:Thesis