Title: 超文本資訊架構與閱聽人溝通脈絡、時間序列對於手持小螢幕瀏覽之影響
The effects of information structures, communication contexts, and time orientations on user browsing performance and attitude in a handheld small screen display
Authors: 陳韻如
Chen, Yun-Ju
Pei-Luen Patrick Rau
Keywords: 資訊架構;高/低脈絡文化;單工/多工時間序列;手持小螢幕瀏覽;心智負荷;文化差異;介面設計;PDA;cultural differences;high/low context culture;handheld device;interface design;information structures;polychronic/monochronic time orientation;small screen display
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 本研究,從文化差異的層面出發,關注使用者差異對於手持介面使用的瀏覽表現與瀏覽行為與態度,結合人機互動的理論與實驗操作,以驗證高/低脈絡與多工/單工是否會影響及如何影響使用者的資訊處理效能,並搭配不同設計的廣度/深度的資訊架構呈現方式,以探討介面設計與文化特質之間的互動關係。
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of various factors on user performance and attitude for a handheld small screen display. The factors studied were the arrangement of web link hierarchies, cultural communication differences, and time orientation. User performance is measured by the total number of linking steps, the total amount of time and number of errors taken till task completion. User attitude is defined as mental workload, disorientation, satisfaction, and preference.
An experiment was conducted with 89 Taiwanese participants. Participants were asked to search the hypertext for answers to ten questions using different information architectures in a handheld device. Most of the participants were University of National Chiao Tung students. This study was a 2x2x2 factorial with three variables: breadth/depth menu structure, high/low context communication, polychronic/monochronic time orientation.
The result showed that the number of linking steps and task completion time increased as the depth of the web site increases. The result also indicated that high-context communication people tend to have a lower satisfaction level, and be more disorientated, especially in terms of subject and memory disorientation, than the low-context communication people. Also, polychronic people had a lighter mental workload than monochronic people.
These results suggest that menu breadth is more appropriate for new handheld devices. We also give some suggestions for interfaces aimed at the groups with lower performances. High-context people should be given clearer information clues in order to reduce disorientation, and they prefer menu breadth over depth. As for monochronic people, a simple interface should be used to reduce their mental workload, and monochronic people prefer menu depth.
Appears in Collections:Thesis