DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorChien Chou, Ph. D.en_US
dc.description.abstract網際網路的快速成長,過去被奉為圭臬的傳統行銷法則已經無法跟隨環境變化的腳步,因此近年來「網際網路行銷」成為撼動企業界的行銷新趨勢;另一方面,本研究選擇「服務業」為研究的對象,是暸解到時代變遷使得服務業逐漸取代過去製造業的地位,因此研究者相信「服務業網路行銷」在目前與未來皆為相當重要的研究課題。 本研究利用「網站內容分析法」,針對【天下雜誌】2002年出版的台灣企業排名手冊中的500大服務業組織進行網頁內容的定量分析。此外,本研究亦針對過去組織創新的文獻,整理出與創新相關的「組織特質」自變數,分別為:組織類別、組織公民營、組織年齡、員工人數、營業收入、資產總額、稅後純益,試圖檢視組織特質的差異是否會影響到服務業網路行銷的實施表現。 研究結果顯示出國內服務業網站並未針對「服務」與「網路」的特性來運用企業網站,因此研究者參考服務與網路特性所特別納入的「人員」、「實體呈現」、「流程」三項網路行銷測量類目,皆很少被服務業企業網站所運用。由此可知,國內服務業的網路行銷實施方面,對於網際網路不同於其他媒介的特性並未充分利用,而是把組織網站視為一個有利於提昇企業形象的媒介管道,並且是一個可以提供產品或服務的介紹與促銷訊息的場域。 在「組織特質」方面研究結果顯示,在臺灣五百大服務業之組織網站採用者與非採用者之間,有「組織類別」、「組織公民營」、「員工人數」、「營業收入」四項組織特質變數的差異達到統計的顯著性。另一方面,在組織網站採用者的「服務業網路行銷實施」部分,研究結果顯示「組織類別」與「員工人數」不論在網路行銷類目或是網路行銷訊息量皆為最顯著的測量指標,在「組織類別」是以媒體與休閒娛樂類別的服務業整體表現的平均值最高,而在「員工人數」方面則是以大型組織的網路行銷實施顯著優於小型組織;此外,研究者發現公營組織比較善於利用網路通路特性並且會呈現比較多通路相關的訊息;另外,組織年齡的差異會影響行銷類目的運用,但卻並沒有影響行銷訊息量的能力;最後,在「組織規模」方面,研究者並未找到任何證據支持「剩餘資源說」,因為理論上被視為最能代表組織剩餘資源的「稅後純益」竟與服務業網路行銷沒有任何顯著相關,但是,「規模經濟說」卻在本研究中找到部分證據,因為被視為能夠代表組織規模經濟的「資產總額」指標,被發現對於整體服務業網路行銷類目與訊息量的運用,皆呈現資產總額高的服務業組織顯著的優於資產總額低的組織。由此可知,本研究證實過去學者認為在創新研究中納入「組織特質」的重要性,研究結果顯示「組織特質」並非僅為創新採用的重要變項,因為組織特質的差異同樣能在網站的採用者與非採用者之間、服務業網路行銷實施情形方面呈現明顯的差異。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractDue to the fast and exponential growth of Internet-related technologies, traditional “golden rules” for marketing have become out of date and can no longer be applied to industries nowadays. Therefore, Internet marketing had became the dominant new trend. This research focuses on the effects of Internet marketing on the industry of services, instead of manufacturing industries, because it is believed that the importance of manufacturing industry will be replaced by the service industry gradually in the near future. Therefore, the major research theme of this study was about what and how sales over Internet affect the service industry. In this study, the website contents of the Taiwan Top 500 service companies listed by Common Wealth Magazine (2002) were used as samples for further analysis. From related studies, researcher reorganized “organization characteristics”, including organization type, public/private ownership, organization age, employee numbers, sales, assets, and after-taxes profits. The effects of these characteristics on Internet marketing were further examined. The results indicted that most service companies did not fully exploit the benefits of their Internet connections and presentations, especially if judging from the three important Internet marketing indicators, “personnel”, “physical evidences” and “processes.” It seemed that the advantages of Internet over other media were not fully understood and utilized. Internet seemed to be used only symbolically to enhance company image, or only used to introduce basic services- or marketing-related messages. The results also showed that between web site adopters and non-adopters there existed significant differences in the organization type, public/private ownership, number of employees and sales. Among web site adopters who made use of the Internet marketing, the organization type and the employee numbers remarkably influenced the diversities of the marketing categories and amount of marketing messages. In terms of organization type, media and entertainment related services have the best performances. As for the employee numbers, large enterprises significantly outperformed smaller companies. This study also found that public organizations utilized the specific Internet characteristics better and provides more messages. The age of a company did affect the usage of marketing category, but not on the amount of messages. Finally, the scale of a company did not affect the after-taxes profit, indicating there was no support for the theory of slack resources. However, the scale of companies did affect the marketing category and the amount of messages presented in their web sites. In this study, the impacts of organization characteristics were confirmed. These characteristics not only dominated variables of innovation, but also made significant differences between companies that adopted and did not adopt web sites, and differed in implementation of Internet marketing for service industries.en_US
dc.subjectInternet marketingen_US
dc.subjectenterprise websiteen_US
dc.subjectservice industryen_US
dc.subjectorganization characteristicsen_US
dc.titleAnalyses of the correlation between Internet marketing implementation and organization characteristics of the service industry-on the Taiwan Top 500 service companiesen_US