標題: 對話之誤解與澄清 — 以中文為使用語言之跨文化傳播研究
Misunderstanding and Clarification in Conversations:An Intercultural Communication Study on Mandarin Native Speakers and Non-native Speakers
作者: 張淑媚
Shu-Mei Chang
Jung-Huel Yeh
關鍵字: 跨文化溝通;對話分析;錯誤溝通;誤解;澄清;母語者;非母語者;intercultural communication;conversation analysis;miscommunication;misunderstanding;clarification;native speakers (NSs);non-native speakers (NNSs)
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 為了釐清具有不同文化背景、且使用不同母語的對話者在交會時所產生的溝通問題,許多學者紛紛致力於跨文化溝通研究,希望能發現來自各種不同文化的對話者之間的溝通問題,並進而消弭彼此的歧見,促進人類和平共處。然而,探究非中文母語者進入一以中文為使用語言之社會所遭遇跨文化溝通問題的研究,實在付之闕如。因此本研究希望從分析中文母語者與非中文母語者之間發生溝通誤解到澄清誤解的過程,使大眾更了解外國人士使用中文的障礙,進而提升本國人與他國人有效溝通的程度。 本研究以對話分析為研究方法,以對話主題為分析單位,檢視所收集到中文母語者與非中文母語者之間對話當中誤解與澄清的過程,並分析各對話主題的語次屬性與內容。研究發現最常引發溝通問題的情形是,當中文母語者使用的中文字彙、文法較為複雜時,便極有可能造成非中文母語者的誤解產生。此外,某部分的溝通問題乃肇因於非中文母語者的發音不正確,使得中文母語者會錯意,反之亦然。再者,雖然某些非中文母語者的中文聽說能力可以讓他們與中文母語者溝通無礙,但因其缺乏與對話主題相關的文化背景知識,在解讀更深層的語內行為時便窒礙難行。
To make clear the communicative problems caused during the encounter of the people with different cultural backgrounds and different native languages, many researchers have devoted themselves to studies on intercultural communication, hoping that their findings may contribute to the peaceful co-existence of human beings. Similarly, the present study focuses on the process of misunderstanding and clarification in conversations between Mandarin native speakers and non-native speakers in order to help the public know more about the problems Mandarin non-native speakers may have in the use of Mandarin, and then to help improve the communicative effectiveness in both parties. The present study examines the conversations between some Mandarin native speakers and non-native speakers by employing the methodology of conversation analysis. According to the findings, the misunderstanding in the conversations results not only from the use of the Mandarin vocabulary, grammar, or idioms that are more difficult and complicated than usual, but also from the lack of common cultural consensus.
Appears in Collections:Thesis