Title: 無線網路電話的推播機制
The Push Mechanism for Wireless VoIP Service
Authors: 羅永杰
Yung-Chieh Lo
Yi-Bing Lin
Keywords: 推播;無線網路電話;Push Mechanism;Wireless VoIP
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) 提供行動用戶交換式封包的服務。然而現存的GPRS規格並無法提供推播(push)的機制,而且也很難支援撥打無線網路電話的功能。透過GSM簡訊服務,這篇論文提出了一個支援GPRS用戶網路電話的推播機制。這個機制不需要更改任何現有的GPRS架構。接著,我們擴充此一推播機制,將它應用在Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)。我們也提出了支援無線網路電話(包括GPRS及WLAN)私有IP位址的方法。
General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) provides packet switched data service for mobile users. However, the existing GPRS specification does not provide the push mechanism, and it is difficult to support GPRS services such as call termination (incoming call) for wireless Voice over IP (VoIP). Based on short message services, this paper proposes a push mechanism for GPRS VoIP. Our approach does not need to modify the existing GPRS structure. Then we extend our solution for Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) that provides high-speed data services in hot spots. We also introduce the approaches for wireless (including GPRS and WLAN) VoIP supporting private IP addresses.
Appears in Collections:Thesis