標題: 中國水墨人物畫中傳統服飾之模擬
The Simulation of Traditional Clothes in Chinese Ink Figure Painting
作者: 黃信騫
Hsin-Chien Huang
Zen-Chung Shih
關鍵字: 中國水墨畫;服飾;NPR;Clothes;Painting
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 中國繪畫,以人物畫發展為最早。水墨人物畫以線寫形,運用線描來表達寫意,許多剛柔粗細不同的線條組成一幅人物畫,。服飾在其中扮演了十分重要的角色,每個朝代都有自己的服飾特點,從而顯現出歷史的進程及不同的文化背景。人物姿勢的不同,產生衣褶繁複的變化,使人物畫更加多采多姿。如何根據姿勢的不同,產生自然優美的衣褶,即為本篇論文的重點。我們提出一個合成水墨人物畫中衣服紋理的方法,根據照片或國畫人物的外圍輪廓,我們的系統會自動產生應有的衣褶。也可依使用者選擇不同的衣領,而有不同的風格變化。如此,使用者便可以輕易地利用現有的圖片,不需要熟悉服飾的紋理,以及衣褶的呈現方式,在短時間內描繪出應有的中國傳統水墨人物畫風格。
In Chinese ink painting, the figure painting has a long developed history. Ink figure paintings even more rely on various linear strokes to convey the meaning of paintings. Clothes plays an essential role, every dynasty has its own clothes characteristics which represent the process of history and different cultural background. Different figure poses generate various creases. This makes figure painting full variation. In this thesis, we try to achieve the goal mentioned above. We propose a method to synthesize clothes texture in Chinese figure paintings. The styles of clothes are automatically generated according to contours of picture or painting. The painter also can select different collar to make distinct style. Therefore, user may create good-looking painting styles easily even he is not familiar with Chinese painting skills.