標題: 根據幾何形狀之蛋白質接合研究
Protein-Protein Docking Based on Geometric Shape
作者: 嚴國才
Kuo-Tsai Yen
Yu-Tai Ching
關鍵字: 蛋白質接合;形狀互補性;組態空間障礙;Protein Docking;Configuration Space Obstacle;Shape Complementarity
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 隨著近幾年生物科技的進步,越來越多的蛋白質結構被解出,不管是使用傳統的方式--在實驗室中產生,或者是使用電腦模擬產生。因此,生物化學家們為了理解日益增多的蛋白質結構的功能,便讓蛋白質彼此化合與作用,藉以了解其功能與運作的方式。以人工的方法在實驗室中操作,通常需要耗費相當多的時間,因此由電腦輔助,快速地找出蛋白質分子間的關連性,便因應而生。我們在此提出了一個完全以蛋白質的幾何形狀為我們的接合運算,沒有涉入任何的能量考量。我們使用機器人學(Robotics)裡的組態空間障礙(Configuration Space Obstacle)的概念,將欲接合的兩個蛋白質分子的其中之一設為機器人,另一則為空間中的障礙物,藉由機器人在障礙物的表面檢視過一遍後,找出可進入的地方,即為兩蛋白質分子可相互接合之處。
Protein docking is an important research area in bio-technology. In this thesis, we purposed an algorithm that examines the docking places for a pair of proteins or protein-ligand pair based on the geometric shape completely. The algorithm is developed based on the idea of the “Configuration Space obstacle” in Robotics. Given a pair of proteins (or a protein-ligand pair), we consider one of protein is the robot and the other is the obstacle. In the configuration space obstacle approach, we enlarge the obstacle to the configuration space obstacle but shrink the robot into a single point. A point in the surface of the configuration space obstacle is the place that the robot touches the obstacle at one point. In the protein docking area, a point in the cavity in the surface of the configuration space obstacle is a possible docking site.
Appears in Collections:Thesis