Title: 交通違規罰則有效性與執法行為之影響因素探討研究-以北部地區為例
A Study for The Effectiveness of Penalty Strategies on Traffic Violations and Its Affecting Factors
Authors: 黃建安
Chien-An Huang
Hsin-Li Chang
Keywords: 交通違規;罰則有效性;線性結構關係;Traffic violation;Penalty;Linear relationship structure
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 交通違規行為不但會干擾交通秩序,且會嚴重危害交通安全,而近年來社會輿論與政府部門對於交通秩序維持與交通安全改善之政策,均頃向於採取重罰來嚇阻交通違規,冀望提高道路整體之交通秩序與安全。但由於各項違規罰則之加重與罰金之提高,使得民眾怨聲四起,而執法之交通警察也需面對違規者因受罰而產生的求情與不合作態度,常常會造成其執法上之為難。由此可知重罰雖能減少違規行為發生,但相反地也會伴隨著一些負面的影響,而有效的罰則應要能讓民眾產生心理嚇阻作用,進而減少交通違規,並對違規者能達到矯正的功用,而對於執法單位也應可以讓其順利執行罰則。
Traffic violations not only hurt the order of traffic operation, but also threaten the traffic safety of road users. Each time the authority revised the law and increased the articles was only based on the belief that the more chaos the traffic condition is, the more rigorous law should be applied. However, the effectiveness of severe penalty strategies is argued and some modifications of this penalty system are also suggested. This study is undertaken to explore the effectiveness of the penalty strategies to traffic violations and its affecting factors. The Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) was employed to determine the degree of rigorousness as well as the effectiveness of different penalties to traffic violators.
Furthermore, two separate models were developed in order to explore the effects of different penalty strategies on rehabilitating the behavior of traffic violators and the enforcing behavior of policemen. Two sets of questionnaires, one for the general drivers and the other for the police, were designed to collect the required data for empirical study purpose. The Linear Structure Relationship (LISREL) approach was then applied to those two models to determine the significant factors affecting the effectives of penalty strategies to traffic violators.
The study results reveal that the most rigorous penalty for traffic violation is license suspension, and the rigorousness of penalty could significantly reduce people’s intention to traffic violations. But the severe penalty also makes the police hesitate on their enforcement. Furthermore, the effects of penalty strategies are most significantly affected by the attitude of drivers to traffic violations, and the rigorousness of penalty strategies will enhance the effect of reducing traffic violations. The study results provide a set of valuable information about the effects of various penalty strategies on reducing the traffic violations, which is helpful for designing the relevant policies to traffic management.
Appears in Collections:Thesis