標題: 交通違規行為習慣性之衡量與影響因素之研究
Measuring the Habit of Traffic Violations and Its Corresponding Factors
作者: 潘盟煌
Pan, Meng-Huang
Hsin-Li Chang
關鍵字: 道路使用者;交通違規行為;習慣量衡量;Road User;Traffic Violations;Habit
公開日期: 1997
摘要: 交通事故所造成之人員傷亡與社會成本至鉅,而交通事故之發生頻 次居高不下的原因,除與機動車輛數量之快速成長有關外,國人缺乏守法 觀念亦是一個相當重要之因素。綜觀國人之交通違規行為業已成為普遍現 象,且道路使用者之用路行為多為「持續嘗試所累積之經驗所表現的直接 反射動作」,其間隱含著交通違規行為其實亦是深植於心之習慣使然。因 此,若欲整頓我國之交通秩序,提升國人之交通安全保障,如何打破國人 習以為常之交通違規習慣實為一重要之研究課題。 本研究以習慣之觀 點來探討駕駛人之交通違規行為,並建立研究之分析架構,在本架構中可 分兩大部分,第一部份為交通違規行為習慣量之衡量,第二部分則為交通 違規習慣量與影響變數之探討。在交通違規行為習慣量的衡量方法上,本 研究結合態度量表、模糊統計試驗及層級分析法( AHP)構建出「交通違 規行為習慣量之衡量方法」,分別求得小汽車駕駛人在一般道路及高速公 路上的交通違規行為習慣量。而在探討交通違規行為習慣量的影響變數時 ,除了重要的社經變數外,亦包括駕駛經驗、行為態度、社會規範及交通 環境四大類影響變數,透過這些習慣量影響變數的探討,尋找影響駕駛人 交通違規習慣的重要變數。 本研究為針對不同之駕駛人群體設計策略 ,以發揮交通改善之最大功效,因此進行駕駛人區隔分析。分析結果發現 區隔駕駛人之顯著社經變數為「性別」及「婚姻狀況」,依此變數將駕駛 人作區隔後,尋找影響各群體交通違規習慣的重要且顯著之因子。本研究 依據上述之結果,擬定交通改善策略,以作為交通主管當局檢討交通違規 罰則、改善道路與交通工程設施、研擬車輛安全措施,與教育主管當局規 畫交通安全教育之參考。 Traffic violation is very common in our country. It has been recognizedthat people change their behavior in response to the perceived probability and severity of harm. For lack of risk perception and tight traffic enforcement, traffic violations are getting more common and become the habits of general road users. Hence how to break off the habitual behavior of traffic violations is thought to be the most important task for improving highway safety. This study is undertaken to quantify road users' habits for violating traffic regulations and explore the influential factors corresponding to them. We establish a conceptual framework to describe the habitual behaviors of traffic violations firstly, and then develop a method to quantitatively measure their habit. A face-to-face survey is designed to collect the required information for road users' behavior, and the fuzzy set theory is then used to formulate the levels of "habit" for traffic violations. The relationship between the habits of traffic violations and their possible influential factors are tested. The results show that the traffic violation habits are different on general roads and on freeway, the unmarried and male drivers' traffic violation habit are higher than others. " Trill and adventure seeking ", " risk perception of traffic violations ", and "social norm " are also found to be the significant factors affecting the traffic violation habits. According to the study results, some strategies to improve traffic safety are suggested. The results of this study offer a set of valuable information about traffic violation behavior , and provide valuable references for the authorities of traffic safety education , traffic management, and traffic enforcement.