Title: 航空發動機維修作業中拆解過程之人力規劃研究
A Study of Human Resource Planning for Disassembly Process of Aviation Engine Maintenance Operation
Authors: 劉穹林
Chiung- Lin Liu
Jin-Yuan Wang
Keywords: 航空發動機拆解;維修;人力規劃;零工式生產排程問題;混合整數規劃;Aviation engine disassembly;Maintenance;Human resource planning;Job shop scheduling problem;Mixed integer programming
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 航空工業為一具戰略性的高科技產業,乃整體工業發展之重要指標。面對今日激烈的全球競爭,各國莫不戮力提昇其水準。而發動機的維修排程,則為此中一重要的課題。 就當前的趨勢以觀,企業獲利之來源,多賴有效率的營運管理。如何整合現有的技術、人力,並輔以相關之配套措施,誠為攸關企業存亡的關鍵因素之一。在有限的資源下,一有效率的發動機維修排程,將可降低企業之營運成本,並可提升其維修能量。 在本研究中,我們討論了發動機維修作業中的拆解過程。我們將其視為一零工式生產排程問題,並且發展了此課題的混合整數規劃(mixed integer programming, MIP)數學模式。為了測試本模式之實用性,我們針對A引擎維修公司內部的拆解過程予以測試。 在此情況下,模式的求解結果,除了能夠縮短A公司引擎拆解的完成時間外,還可以極小化系統所需之人力。此求解結果兼具效能與品質兩方面之功用。另一方面,我們尚建議A公司一個新的排程策略,依據此策略所得到的排程結果,將可為A公司提升更多的營運效能。
  The developing of aviation industry, a strategic industry with advance technology, is the key point for the whole industry. In order to be globally competitive, many countries are eager to find out innovative ways to improve the development efficiency. The engine maintenance schedule is one of the concerned issues. Nowsdays the competence of an enterprise is partly shifted to the capability of aligning the operations management. It is important to effectively integrate the current technologies and human resources while aided with assistance from the related coordinating measures. Under the presumption of finite resources, an efficient engine maintenance schedule for a company can reduce the operation cost and expand the business. In this research, we discuss the engine disassembly process, which is one of the tasks of engine maintenance process. We consider the engine disassembly process that could be viewed as a job shop scheduling problem. We develop a mixed integer programming (MIP) model for engine disassembly process. To illustrate the applicability of the MIP model, we present a case study on the engine disassembly process taken from an engine maintenance company (company A). We prove that the solutions of current situation for company A not only can speed up the finish time for engine disassembly, also can minimize worker demand. The results are satisfactory in terms of both efficiency and quality of the solution. In addition, we suggest company A a policy in order to promote the efficiency. The solution of modified situation can bring much more benefit for company A.
Appears in Collections:Thesis