Title: 非號誌化平面交叉路口左右方車行車路權之研究
The Study on ROW's Priority of Left-side and Right-side Vehicles for At-Grade Intersections of Non-Signalization
Authors: 鄭祺樺
ChiHua Cheng
Shoei-Uei Wu
Keywords: 平面交叉路口;左右方車;路權;At-Grade Intersections;Left-side and Right-side Vehicles;Right of Way
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 交叉路口係道路路網系統中車流匯集之處,其對於車流是否能順暢且安全的運行影響甚大。雖然目前大多數的交叉路口利用時間與空間之概念,透過設置號誌時相來區分路權,藉以增加行車順暢與秩序,並能避免交通事故之發生。然而仍有不少未達現行道路交通標誌標線號誌設置規則之標準者而尚未設置號誌,可能產生車輛行進路口通行優先次序問題,是一值得研究的課題。此外,由於非號誌化交叉路口之型式繁多,且同為直行車或轉彎車之左右方車發生肇事率相當高,故本研究乃以平面交叉路口左右方車直行路權優先次序為基礎進行研究,以評定路權之優先次序,進而達到降低肇事率,促使駕駛者能更安全的運行通過路口。因此,本文將考慮臨近路口寬度、路口大小、行車位置、車輛尺寸、行車速率與反應時間、行車加減速率等因素,在車輛靠右行駛規定下,利用三角視距原理、運動定律、側撞受損分析、駕駛行為延續性、駕駛視角原理、循環關聯性與情境模擬分析法等,進行平面交叉路口左右方車路權優先次序之分析,進而綜合評定而歸納左右方車路權優先次序法則,所謂「路權」,係指人(或車)使用道路(或通行道路)之權利[2]。由於路權之區分極具重要性,而車輛若能依序路權之優先次序行駛,則確實能降低非號誌化路口之肇事率,提昇行車秩序與順暢。因此,本研究所得交叉路口右方車應讓左方車先行法則可供修訂我國「道路交通安全規則」第102條第2款與「道路交通管理處罰條例」第48條第6款之參考。
In the network of roads, traffic flow aggregates at the intersections; this occurrence greatly affects the order and safety of traffic flow. In the present, the concepts of time and space are used to determine the rights of way (ROW) by placing signals in the intersections in order to increase the order and safety of traffic flow and prevent accidents. Due to the lack of signals in many intersections in Taiwan, there are often problems with which vehicle should drive first in the intersections, and this problem is worth studying. Besides this, there are many different types of intersections without signals, so that there are often accidents when left-side vehicles and right-side vehicles are either both driving straight forward or both turning. So, this study is concerned with the umbilicus and fundamental problem of the priority of ROW for decreasing the frequency of accidents and increasing safety when driving across the intersections. This study takes many factors into consideration, such as the width of the intersection, the angle of the intersection, the type of the intersection, the location of the vehicles, the size of the vehicles, the speed of the vehicles, the reaction time of the drivers, the acceleration and deceleration of vehicles. The methods used in this research are the sight triangle theory, Newton’s Laws of Motion, the analysis of side-collision, the continuation of driving, the sight’s angle of the drivers, the circular-relation priority, the simulation of different situations, and the pair-comparison method. By these methods, one may determine the priority and order of the left-side and right-side vehicles of at-grade intersections, and further mentioned are seven principles of priority and order for the left-side and right-side vehicles of at-grade intersections, which are in accordance with the concept of ROW, where ROW refers to the pedestrians’ and vehicles’ right to use the road. The determination of ROW is important, because if drivers follow the priority of ROW, there will be fewer accidents in intersections with no signals, and the order of traffic flow will improve. So, current legislation like No.102 of the traffic’s safety rules may be improved through considerations taken from this study.
Appears in Collections:Thesis