標題: 使用互補金屬氧化半導體製程之超寬頻低雜訊放大器及使用砷化銦鎵假型高速電子移動電晶體之寬頻開關
UWB CMOS Low-Noise Amplifier and Wideband InGaAs pHEMT Switch
作者: 邱珮如
Pei-Ju Chiu
Shyh-Jong Chung
關鍵字: 超寬頻低雜訊放大器;寬頻開關;UWB LNA;wideband SPDT switch
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 本篇論文的第一個部份描述應用在超寬頻系統中的低雜訊放大器之分析與設計。超寬頻的低雜訊放大器需具備有寬頻、低功率、增益平坦的特性,為了達到寬頻的目標,利用多級的概念來設計,並且選擇採用共閘級做為第一級放大,中間兩級選擇共射級組態來提高整體增益,最後再加上一級電壓追隨器達到輸出阻抗匹配。這個寬頻低雜訊放大器的頻寬為2.6 ~ 8.6 GHz,增益為16 dB 1dB,雜訊指數最低 5.5 dBm,消耗功率為24 mW。 第二個部份敘述一個寬頻開關的設計與量測。這個單刀雙擲開關的頻寬為33~60 GHz,中心頻率46.5 GHz,介入損耗小於4 dB,與大於32 dB的隔絕度。
The first part of the thesis describes the design and analysis of a low-noise amplifier for UWB system. The features of the UWB LNAs are wide bandwidth, low power consumption and flatness of gain. In order to get wide bandwidth, we utilize the concept of multi-stages to design this circuit. The first stage is a common gate topology and two common source amplifiers in the middle stages and the final stage is a voltage follower. The bandwidth of the LNA is ranged from 2.6 GHz to 8.6 GHz. The gain is 16 dB 1 dB. The minimum noise figure is 5.5 dBm and the power consumption is 24 mW. The second part is the design and measurement of a wideband single-pole double-throw switch. The bandwidth of the SPDT switch is ranged from 33 to 60 GHz centered at 46.5 GHz. The insertion loss is less than 4 dB and the isolation is more than 32 dB.


  1. 359102.pdf

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