Title: 量子點紅外線偵測器之研究
Studies of Quantum Dot Infrared Photodetectors
Authors: 林決仁
Chueh Jen Lin
Chien Ping Lee
Keywords: 量子點;紅外線偵測器;傳輸機制;活化能;quantum dots;infrared photodetectors;transport mechanism;activation energy
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 本論文分為兩大部分探討量子點紅外線偵測器的傳輸機制。第一部分藉由標準結構之量子點紅外線偵測器進行光響應的研究。焦點放在包括光響應隨偏壓指數增加,高偏壓時之光響應彎曲,以及溫度相依的光響應等三大與量子井紅外線偵測器迥異之處。我們的研究發現量子點紅外線偵測器的光響應強烈受到其光導增益的影響,量子效率則是次要的影響因素。故吾人歸納出電子的傳輸隨著偏壓的增加,而有著三段不同的行為。低偏壓時,增益與等效生命期以及電場成正比。我們根據文獻以及簡潔的曲線擬合,得到非常切合實驗的模擬結果。接著,當量子效率達到最高時,我們又假設此刻電子逃脫量子點束縛的機率為一並且開始發生撞擊游離的效應。這一點透過增益的指數增加行為以及量子效率飽和的假設得以驗證。最後,在高電場的時候各種散射機制的可能性造成增益的彎曲現象;同時這也是造成光響應彎曲的原因。
The thesis contains two topics about the transport characteristics of QDIPs. First, an investigation on responsivity was practiced. We have demonstrated that there are three major different features in response behavior between QDIPs and QWIPs, including: electric field dependence, temperature dependence, and bending phenomenon. We have proposed a related simple model to explain the electric field dependence of photo-response behavior. A good simulation was achieved with two reasonable fitting parameters. Generally speaking, gain was the dominant factor which affects responsivity strongly. More precise description must be that the gain and quantum efficiency dominate the responsivity alternately under low-field. As electrons draw sufficient energy from the increasing bias, avalanche mechanism will dominate transport behavior. At very high field, the response will bend down due to some scattering.
Second, we focused on the activation energy issue. Our results showed that the activation energy of QDIPs was strongly bias-dependent. It decreased almost linearly with bias whether in thin barrier or in thick barrier QDIPs. Activation energy behaved almost the same when we viewed these two samples under electric field scale. The resonant tunneling is a possible reason for this behavior.
We propose some performance improving method to QDIPs based on these two fundamental researches. We will firstly try to tune the bound state out of the quantum dots for better quantum efficiency and lower dark current.
Appears in Collections:Thesis