Title: 奈米場效電晶體之通道逆向散射實驗
Channel Backscattering Experiment in NanoFETs
Authors: 陳柏年
Po -Nien,Chen
Ming-Jer Chen
Keywords: 逆向散射係數;奈米;backscattering coefficients;nano
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract:   最近幾年有一個簡易的通道逆向散射理論被學術界引進用來解釋矽通道的載子傳輸機制,這個新理論將逆向散射係數代替傳統電流-電壓特性關係中的載子遷移率參數。藉由引進這個簡易的散射模型,我們能夠輕易地理解在奈米級場效電晶體中所隱含的基礎物理原理。
In recent years, there has been a simple channel backscattering theory dedicated to explaining carrier transmission mechanism in the silicon channel. As a result current–voltage (I-V) characteristics are expressed in terms of backscattering parameters instead of mobility. The fundamental physics of nanoFETs can thus be comprehended easily by introducing this simple scattering model.
The backscattering coefficient plays a main role for explaining carrier transmission in nanoFETs. Therefore we perform two methods to extract this coefficient directly. One method is the temperature experiment (-40 oC to 25 oC) on 17Å thick gate oxide NMOSFETs down to 75-nm mask gate length under different bias conditions, along with a temperature version of backscattering model built together. In this new model, we can extract the backscattering coefficients immediately which exhibit different dependencies on gate length, drain voltage and gate voltage. The other one is electrical characterization method, that is, I-V model based on backscattering theory to extract these coefficients. The results also reveal the same dependencies on the dimensions and bias parameters as the first method. The efforts in this work strongly confirm the original concept of backscattering theory.
Appears in Collections:Thesis