标题: 精致型耦合方形回路与发夹梳型高温超导微波带通滤波器
Compact HTS Microwave Filters with Coupled Square Loop and Hairpin Resonators
作者: 萧安廷
An-Ting Hsiao
Jenh-Yih Juang
关键字: 高温超导;高温超导微波滤波器;铝酸镧基板;发夹梳型微波带通滤波器;插入损耗;密集式交错耦合型方形开回路共振腔微波带通滤波器;可调变;HTS;HTS Microwave Filters;LAO substrates;hair-pin filter;insertion loss;cross coupled square loop bandpass filters;tunable
公开日期: 2002
摘要: 我们在10*10 平方公分铝酸镧基板之双面成长高温超导钇钡铜氧薄膜,并利用微影蚀刻技术,分别制作六阶的发夹梳型微波带通滤波器以及四阶的密集式交错耦合型方形开回路共振腔微波带通滤波器。量测的结果显示,发夹梳型微波带通滤波器,其中心频率为8.19 GHz,比例带宽3%,通带的插入损耗为0.1 dB;密集式交错耦合型方形开回路共振腔微波带通滤波器,其中心频率为3.01 GHz,比例带宽3.7%,通带的插入损耗为0.1 dB。实际元件与电脑模拟的结果相当吻合。
值得强调的是,中心频率为3.01 GHz之密集式交错耦合型方形开回路共振腔带通滤波器,就我们所知,是目前最小之滤波器元件且插入损耗也是最低。
6-pole hair-pin and 4-pole cross coupled square loop bandpass filters have been successfully obtained by using high-temperature superconducting (HTS) thin films deposited double-sided on LaAlO3 substrates. The 6-pole hair-pin filter displayed an 8.25 GHz passband center frequency, 3.1% fractional bandwidth and 0.1 dB insertion loss. While the 4-pole cross coupled bandpass filter has a 3.01 GHz passband center frequency, 3.7% fractional bandwidth and 0.1 dB insertion loss, respectively. The resulting characteristics of these filters correspond to the simulated results of the designed devices extremely well.
In particular, to the best of our knowledge, the 4-pole cross coupled bandpass filter not only is the smallest filter but also has the lowest insertion loss microwave device to date.