標題: 室內無線區域網路空-時通道特性之量測與研究
Measurement and Characterization of Indoor WLAN Spatio-Temporal Radio Channel
作者: 陳恆書
Hen-Su Chen
Jenn-Hwan Tarng
關鍵字: 室內無線區域網路空-時通道特性之量測與研究;Measurement and Characterization of Indoor WLAN Spatio-Temporal Radio Channel
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 本研究探討在室內無線區域網路系統中的智慧型天線系統(又稱為單輸入多輸出(Single Input Multiple Output, SIMO)系統)和多輸入多輸出(Multiple Input Multiple Output, MIMO)系統,在無線電空-時通道特性之量測結果與室內環境對多輸入多輸出系統通道容量的影響。在室內單輸入多輸出系統的量測中,我們利用向量通道響應量測系統(RUSK Vector Channel Sounder)進行2.44GHz(無線區域網路頻段)無線電空-時通道響應的定點量測,在室內多輸入多輸出系統通道容量的量測中,我們則是採用向量網路分析儀(Agilent 8719ET Vector Network Analyzer)進行5.3GHz(無線區域網路頻段)多輸入多輸出系統通道容量的量測。在無線電空-時通道響應的量測結果方面,我們分別作了入射波抵達時間(Time of Arrival, TOA)、入射波抵達角度(Angle of Arrival, AOA)的機率密度統計分析,與TOA-AOA聯合機率密度統計分析,結果發現:(1)TOA的機率密度可用『指數衰減函數』表示其分佈情形,(2)在AOA的機率密度統計中發現多重路徑在非視線傳播環境中會呈均勻分佈(uniform distribution),但在室內傳播到室外的傳播環境中多重路徑則呈叢集式的分佈,且各個叢集的指向與傳播環境和發射端與接收端相對為置有關,而在TOA-AOA聯合機率密度中我們則發現多重路徑在時間與空間上呈叢集分佈的大小關係。在室內多輸入多輸出系統通道容量的量測結果中,我們發現:(1)在視線傳播環境下的通道容量會比非視線傳播環境的通道容量還低,(2)當有阻擋物在發射陣列天線正前方會使得通道容量下降,(3)發射和接收兩端的距離和走廊環境對於多輸入多輸出系統通道容量的影響並不顯著。我們希望藉由在單輸入多輸出系統的室內無線電空時通道特性的研究結果與室內環境對多輸入多輸出系統通道容量影響的研究結果,能作為設計室內無線區域網路系統的參考數據。
In this thesis, the measurement and characterization of indoor WLAN spatio-temporal radio channel and the influence of the capacity of indoor MIMO channel are presented. The indoor WLAN spatio-temporal radio channel and the indoor MIMO channel are measured by RUSK channel sounder at 2.44GHz and a vector network analyzer at 5.3GHz, respectively. For spatio-temporal radio channel, probability density function of Time-of-Arrival (TOA) and Angle-of-Arrival (AOA) and TOA-AOA joint probability density function are analyzed. The pdf of TOA is exponential decay and the pdf of AOA is uniform distribution in NLOS scenario, but is clusters distribution from indoor to outdoor. For indoor MIMO channel, the capacity in LOS scenario would smaller than in NLOS scenario. Local scatters around the Tx will decrease the capacity. The Tx-Rx distance and corridor environment has little influence to the channel capacity in short distance.
Appears in Collections:Thesis