標題: 台灣地區大型食品業採用生物技術之影響因素研究
The Study of Factors affecting Biotechnology Adoption in Taiwan Large Food Manufacturing Company
作者: 林志豪
Chih-Hao Lin
Dr. Quan-Hua Chen
關鍵字: 生物技術;食品業;創新採用;二元羅吉斯迴歸;biotechnology;food industry;innovation adoption;binary logistic regression
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 本研究的目的,除了想瞭解我國食品業採用生物技術的現況外,也想探究影響食品公司採用生物技術的因素。 本研究以問卷方式收集研究資料。研究變數是依據「創新採用」理論所發展出來的。最後決定四大類變數,分別是「創新特性」、「組織特性」、「環境特性」及「個人特性」。再用二元羅吉斯迴歸,分別對四個影響構面進行檢驗,以期能找出影響採用的因素。 研究發現,我國大型食品公司採用生物技術的比例,和所採用的技術層次都較低。採用的技術種類,主要以傳統的生物技術為主。研究也發現,營業額或資本額較大的食品公司,採用的比例較高。 我們的研究發現,在「創新特性」構面,影響「採用」的因素有「相容性」和「智慧財產權(專利)」。分析結果顯示,「相容性」因素與「採用」呈正相關,「智慧財產權(專利)」因素,則和「採用」呈負相關。 在「組織特性」構面,影響「採用」的因素有「組織規模」和「研發經費」,這兩因素都和「採用」呈正相關。 在「環境特性」構面,影響「採用」因素有「政府態度」和「社會接受性」,這兩因素與「採用」皆呈正相關。 在「個人特性」構面,影響「採用」因素只有「高階主管創新性」,並和「採用」呈正相關。
The purpose of the thesis tries to realize the current situation of biotechnology adoption in Taiwan food industry and to investigate the factors affecting biotechnology adoption in food manufacturing company. The data of the research was collected by the questionnaires. The research variables were developed by the ‘innovation adoption’ theory. There are four category variables were determined, such as ‘innovation characteristics’, ‘organization characteristics’, ‘environment characteristics’ and ‘individual characteristics’. We applied the binary logistics regression to examine the four category variables respectively and tried to find out the factor affecting adoption. The data analysis showed that the proportion of adopting biotechnology and the level of the technology was low in Taiwan large food manufacturing company. The major biotechnology adopted by the food companies in Taiwan belongs to the traditional biotechnology. The research also found out that food companies that were bigger in sales or capital were high proportion of adoption. The factors that influenced the adoption significantly in ‘innovation characteristics’ dimension were ‘compatibility’ and ‘intelligence property’. ‘Compatibility’ was positively related to adoption and ‘intelligence property’ was negatively related to adoption. The factors that influenced the adoption significantly in ‘organization characteristics’ dimension were ‘organization size’ and ‘R&D expense’. Both of the two variables were positively related to adoption. The factors that influenced the adoption significantly in ‘environment characteristics’ dimension were ‘government attitudes’ and ‘society acceptance ’. Both of the two variables were positively related to adoption. The factors that influenced the adoption significantly in ‘individual characteristics’ dimension was ‘CEO’s innovation’. The variable was positively related to adoption.