標題: 網路商店消費者再惠顧意願與無計畫購買行為之研究—以i-Video為例
Consumer Behavior on the Internet - An Empirical Study of i-Video
作者: 陳洸民
Kuang-Ming Chen
楊 千
Dr. Chyan Yang
關鍵字: 電子商務;消費者行為;網路消費者;再惠顧意願;購物樂趣;Consumer behavior;web customers;unplanned purchase;intention to return
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 根據1999年網路泡沫化效應的失敗經驗,電子商務經營者逐漸體認到,若想獲得成功,應著重在整個價值鏈中前端與後端的整合,並且採取深度經營的策略。網路消費者行為的研究,有利於了解消費者購買決策過程,是網路商店進行深度經營的必要工作。 本研究以i-Video網際影城╱書城的顧客群為研究對象,進行單一網路商店的實徵研究。主要探究網路消費者與購物環境互動後產生的態度變項(購物樂趣、知覺控制感),與其行為結果(再惠顧意願、無計畫購買行為)間相連結的現象。研究問卷以網頁的形式呈現,並透過網路回收,經過逐筆檢查後篩選出有效問卷進行統計分析。 結果發現,本研究建構的模型適合度達到參考指標之顯著水準。在網路購物環境的外界刺激與行為結果變項間,態度變項扮演著中介的角色。另外,本研究同時具備學術與實務上之貢獻。學術上,本研究採取理論與實務互惠的合作模式,為跨領域的行為研究。實務上,研究結果建議,網路商店應重視消費者之購物經驗,並建立良好的網路購物環境以促進消費者正向購物經驗。
From the lesson of the dot com bubble in 1999, we have learned that the key to success in the internet market is the integration of the value chain and the understanding of consumer behaviors. The purpose of this research is to investigate consumers’ decision-making process of purchase when they shop on the Internet. The linkages between consumers’ post-purchase experiences and the feelings evoked by interacting with the internet shopping environment were investigated by the questionnaire method. The data was collected through the internet. The test for goodness of fit showed that the responses from i-Video.com consumers fitted well the model proposed in this study. Based on this model, the relationships between factors could be well explicated. This study suggested that a good internet shopping environment could induce consumers’ positive experiences which result in unplanned purchase and intention to return. The results of this study contributed to a better understanding of web customers’ decision-making process for both researchers and practitioners. For researchers, the study was done in a real website with real customers using “flow” theory, and the results could correlate those theories from early research. For practitioners, the results suggested that e-tailers should emphasize on consumers’ shopping experience, and prepare a comfortable shopping environment to enhance consumers’ shopping experience.