Title: 大台北地區消費者對數位攝錄影機(Digital Video Camera) 接受意願之研究
A Study on Consumers’ Willingness to Accept Digital Video Camera
Authors: 高榮嶽
Jung-Yueh Kao
Quang-Hua Chen
Keywords: 數位攝錄影機;DVC;mini-DV;創新採用;產品屬性;生活型態;市場區隔;Digital video camera;mini-dv;innovation adoption;product attributes;lifestyle;marketing segmentation
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 數位攝影器材是近年來成長極為快速的資訊家電產品;數位相機、數位攝錄影機、PC Camera等產品更是其中的主力。而目前數位攝影器材,整合數種數位功能於一身的產品愈來愈普遍, 世界上較先進國家的家電市場多已經準備將影音設備推向數位化,因此,目前在日本、歐美市場中,數位相機、數位攝錄影機、DVD播放機、數位電視等數位家電新產品已經是非常常見了,台灣的電視台也於民國90年也將開始播映數位影片與影像,若加上中國大陸沿海大都市廣大的市場,數位攝錄影機的消費潛力十分可觀。 本研究藉由分析潛在消費者的消費需求,透過創新採用理論,作為未來對數位攝錄影機接受程度之推論;並嘗試探討對數位攝錄影機有接受意願的消費者,是否能以生活型態加以區隔,來決定目標顧客群,探討集群在人口統計變數、接受程度變數以及對產品屬性評估準則的差異性,以用來提供業者制定行銷策略。 本研究採用結構式問卷調查法蒐集資料,以中華民國九十二年度第十三屆「台北電器視聽大展」之大台北地區消費者為對象進行研究,收集有效樣本480份;在分析方法上,以次數分配百分比、因素分析、信度分析、集群分析、區別分析、變異數分析、雪費檢定、卡方檢定等統計方法,對蒐集之樣本資料進行分析。發現生活型態可以有效區隔接受數位攝錄影機之潛在消費者;在消費者採用決策行為變數上之資訊來源、產品功能看法、興趣、採用時間、價格接受程度、影像修改軟體費、DV錄影磁帶、購買地點皆有顯著差異。在認知上,約八成八的民眾認為數位攝錄影機產品功能比傳統類比式攝錄影機、數位相機兩者提供更多元化的服務;在資訊尋求上,主要為電視、報章雜誌佔大多數,其次是網路媒體及親朋好友的介紹;在興趣方面,有興趣者佔居多數,佔八成三左右;採用時間,以十二個月以上佔五成六居多數,其次為六至十二個月者佔二成二左右。不同生活型態的消費者集群在評估準則中的操作介面設計與造型、輕便性、價格重視、品牌重視、行銷服務上有顯著差異存在;在整體上,消費者強調品牌重視與價格重視。
In recent year, digital photographic equipments, one kind of information electric appliances, grow rapidly. Digital still camera, digital video camera and pc camera are the main products. Nowadays, digital photographic equipments integrated sereral digital function are more and more popular. We used Innovation Adoption Theory and revised it as the study’s frame used to identify the acceptance of the Digital Video Camera based on consumers' preference and their demand. In addition, we try to find out whether the consumers can be segregated by their life style so as to identify target consumer groups and to describe their characteristics. We provide our research results to the industry to formulate their marketing strategies. This research is to use structured questionnaires, and we got 480 effective copies of the samples we used for this study are the Taipei area TV consumers who attended to The 13th Comprehensive Electric Show, Taipei 2003. All data were analyzed with the following methods: Frequency Distribution Analysis, Factor Analysis, Reliability Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Discriminant Analysis, MANOVA Analysis, Scheffe’s Test, Chi-square Test. From the samples we discovered that potential users could be effectively segregated by life style. In addition, we found the consumers’ adoption behavior variables shows difference do exist in terms of the source of information, opinion of the function, interested, time to adoption, the price of digital video camera, the price of image process software, the price of dv tape and where to buy. In order to target these potential customers, different marketing strategies are required. About 88.1% of the sample attendants who has heard of digital video camera have expressed that the digital video camera can provide multifunctional services when compared to tradition analogy video camera and digital still camera. Primary sources of such information comes from TV, newspapers and magazines, the next are from Internet and their relatives and friends. Majority of the sample attendants showed interest in digital video camera and 56.3% have expressed their intention to purchase the digital video camera over 12 month, 22.7% will purchase within a 6 to 12 month period. It also shows differences do exist between different lifestyle consumers in estimate principle on marketing and servicing, attach importance to operate panel design, convenience, price, brand, marketing. In the whole body, they emphasize to brand and price.
Appears in Collections:Thesis