標題: 階層式模糊積分多屬性決策方法應用於e-learning學習績效評估 ─ 以中華電信為例
Hierarchical MADM of Fuzzy Integral for Learning Performance of e-learning Evaluation
作者: 陳瑞全
Jui-Chuan Chen
Chin-Tsai Lin
關鍵字: 網路學習;多屬性決策;模糊測度;模糊積分;E-learning;multiple attribute decision making;fuzzy measure;fuzzy integral
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 未來企業內的學習環境將會是以教育、網路、資訊、通訊科技為基礎架構而成,面臨如此e化之環境,企業要如何有效利用e-learning的優點與功能,來強化企業教育訓練之成效,已成為人力資源與教育訓練領域中新興且必須面對的課題。傳統教育訓練方式在許多地方,已經無法趕上企業的學習需求,隨著網際網路的發達以及電腦網路科技的進步,e-learning成為企業發展人力資源競爭力的最佳工具,因此誰能掌握網路及知識這二大利器,誰將是未來的贏家。 e-learning是一種結合IT(Information Technology)技術的一種新穎且有效率的學習方式,係透過學習者自發式的上網學習,而達到其學習成效,不但可結省教育訓練的一些相關成本外,並可節省學習者訓練之往返時間,並可透過電腦科技網路的便利,突破時空的限制,達到隨時隨地學習的目的,學習者只須利用片段的時間,便可達到學習之效果,透過電腦連接至伺服器主機,更可以不斷地重複學習,藉此來加深印象,因此將會有更佳之學習成果,然而如何有效衡量學習者在e-learning上之學習成效將變得較為困難且重要。 本研究將透過文獻探討的方式,根據克帕屈格 (Kirkpatrick, 1996)所提出的「四階層評估模型」為基礎,彙整出一套可供企業評估e-learning學習績效之架構,結合階層式模糊積分多屬性決策方法之應用,並以實例實際評估不同學習者對於不同類別之網路教學課程之學習績效,並分別探討學習者之個人特質、個人背景及其學習動機等因素對於學習績效之影響。
The future learning’s environment will be based on education, network, information, and communication technology. For the field of human resource and education training in this electric environment, it has become the emerging and critical topic on how to make use of the advantages and functions of e-learning more efficiently to improve the performances for education trainings. Traditional ways of the education training have not caught up the enterprise requests for learning on many aspects. On the contrary, following by the blooming progress of Internet and computer network technology, the e-learning has become the best tool for enterprises to build the most competitive human resources. Only who command the network and knowledge become the winner in the future. The e-learning is a newly efficient learning method which combines IT (Information Technology) and self-learning. The learner can learn by self-access through connecting Internet to achieve learning’s purpose. It may save some cost and the trainee traffic time. It can also achieve learning objective through computer network without the space-time limitation. The learner can even get the learning achievement just only using the pieces of spare time! They can deepen the learning image through connecting to the training server once and again to get better learning effects. However, it is more difficult and important to measure the e-learning performance efficiently. This study is based on the Donald L. Kirkpatrick’s four-level model of evaluation through the literature. The main objectives are to build a set of structure of e-learning performance evaluations, to apply the Hierarchical MADM of Fuzzy Integral for evaluating the e-learning performance through the real cases which have some category e-learning lesson, and to investigate the impact of the learning performance based on the individual traits, contexts, and motivation.