標題: 台灣地區銀行產業電子化程度與效率之研究
Electronicalization and the Efficiency of Taiwan Commercial Banks
作者: 宋康良
Kang-Liang Sung
Jin-Li Hu
關鍵字: 銀行業;成本效率;隨機邊界法;電子化;banking;efficiency;stochastic frontiers;electronicalization
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 台灣地區的金融機構面對政府改革、自由化、國際化等挑戰。國內的銀行業均積極地改善經營方法及條件,以提升經營績效。而銀行業務電子化是全球化趨勢下,銀行普遍採取的因應策略。 本研究是以銀行ATM設立數目來衡量銀行電子化程度,利用隨機邊界法(SF)作為分析的工具,分析1995到2001年間台灣地區35家一般商業銀行之成本效率,並比較亞洲金融風暴前後銀行之成本效率。資料來源以台灣經濟新報電子資料庫為主。 由實證結果可以發現:一、增加ATM數目使銀行成本效率惡化。二、分行數目愈多,反而增加成本無效率。三、一九九七年亞洲金融風暴使得台灣各銀行的成本效率降低。
The financial institutions in Taiwan face challenges from policy reforms, globalization, and market liberalization, etc. The domestic banks have to improve their managerial strategies for better performances. Electronicalization is an important strategy for banks to increase their competitiveness in this globalized market. This study uses the number of ATM as a measure for the degree of electronicalization. We then apply stochastic frontiers (SF) to analyze the cost efficiency of 35 Taiwan commercial banks during 1995 to 2001. The bank efficiencies before and after the 1997 Asia-Crisis are also compared. Our data source is Taiwan Economic Journal database. The main findings are as follows: 1. Increasing the number of ATM significantly worsens the cost efficiency of banks. 2. An increase in the branch number significantly worsens a bank’s cost efficiency. 3. The cost efficiency of Taiwan’s banks in average becomes worse after the Asian financial crisis.
Appears in Collections:Thesis