標題: 台北地區擁有手機.PDA.筆記型電腦消費者對行動上網服務接受意願之研究
A Study on Taipei Region Consumer’s Willingness to Accept Mobile Internet Service Who owns Cell Phone, PDA, or Notebook
作者: 劉翰濤
Han-Tao Liu
Prof. Quang-Hua Chen
關鍵字: 行動上網;創新採用;mobile internet;innovation adoption
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 本論文研製之動機在於我國自電信自由化以來,網際網路與行動通訊之市場競爭激烈,普及化程度高,加上現代社會生活腳步快速,對資訊的需求強烈,強調機動性與便利性的行動通訊與強調豐富資訊內容的網際網路便出現互相結合的契機。參照各先進國家之行動上網服務發展,對於我國方興未艾的行動上網服務,實有必要加以探討,以有助於我國行動上網之推廣。因此,本研究期望透過對我國行動上網服務之探討,對其未來推廣與發展提出建議。 本研究採用問卷調查方式蒐集資料,藉由擁有手機、PDA、筆記型電腦之消費者行為及市場的消費需求,透過創新採用理論,並採用因素分析、集群分析、卡方檢定、變異數分析等方法來分析所得之實證資料,作為未來行動上網服務接受程度之推論。根據研究顯示,行動上網服務消費者可區分為「注重品牌型」、「精明保守型」與「衝動自主型」。各區隔市場消費者,在人口統計變數上之性別、婚姻無顯著差異;另外,在消費者採用決策行為變數上皆有顯著差異。最後針對各區隔市場之消費者提出行銷建議。
The motivation of this research is that since the liberalization of telecommunication in our country, there has a serious competition on internet and mobile telecommunication market. Both of them are very popular now, especially in this busy modern society, everyone has a strong demand for information, and it becomes a moment to combine mobile telecommunication which emphasizes mobility and convenience with internet which emphasizes rich information. This study refers to the development of mobile internet service in every developed country, and it is necessarily helpful for us to develop mobile internet service in our country. The purpose of this research is that we can provide suggestions about the development and popularization of mobile internet service through the study. The research uses questionnaire to collect data. We provide the research result about mobile internet service in the future through the consumer’s behavior and demand who owns cell phone, PDA, or notebook, also through the Roger's Innovation Adoption Theory, and use factor analysis, cluster analysis, chi-square test, ANOVA etc. According to the result of research, the consumer of mobile internet service can be divide into “attach importance to brand”, “price oriented”, and “impulsive ”. Among every segmented markets, only gender and marriage in demographic variables are insignificant. Otherwise, the variables of evaluation criteria for attributes of products are significant for product selection. Finally, the study provide marketing suggestions to every segmented markets
Appears in Collections:Thesis