標題: 王凌胤
作者: 王凌胤
Lin-Yin Wang
關鍵字: 房貸市場
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 摘 要 隨著這幾年來市場利率的下降,房貸市場的競爭因而更加劇烈,銀行紛紛推出各式各樣的低率房貸來吸引招攬客戶,使得房屋轉貸市場已進入戰國時代,而銀行如何挽留顧客,使業務不致流失,便成為銀行業者關切注意的焦點,銀行若不加強與顧客的關係,提高顧客的忠誠度,則顧客隨時會流失。銀行業者體認到對於舊有顧客的維持與管理是當前的重點所在,銀行應思考如何提供良好的服務與金融商品來滿足顧客,讓顧客願意與銀行維持良好的長期關係,這正是推行關係行銷的主要目的。 本研究係以A銀行為研究個案,運用關係行銷的觀點,探討關係品質與其影響變數,及顧客忠誠行為三者間的相互關聯性,並藉此加以探討A銀行如何運用關係行銷來加強房貸客戶之忠誠度,再運用迴歸分析來探討架構的適宜性,期望能對A銀行推行關係行銷提供參考與建議。 關鍵詞:關係行銷、關係品質、關係利益。
Abstract With the decreasing market rate in recent years, the competition in housing market is getting more and more fierce. Banks have presented various low housing loan rates for attracting customers, so housing market has stepped into a warring state period. The focus that all banks concern will be how to keep customers and to prevent losing them. If the relationship between banks and customers can not be consolidated and customers’ faith to a bank can not be aroused, it will be very possible to lose customers any time. Bank owners realized the importance of maintaining and managing present customers, and they shall consider the best way to provide effective services and financing products in order to satisfy customers. Then customers will be likely to maintain strong and long-term relationship with their banks. This is the main purpose of promoting relationship marketing. Bank A is the researching subject of this case study. From the concept of relationship marketing, the study is going to examine the relationship among relationship quality, its affecting variables, and customers’ loyal behaviors. Furthermore, the study is going to discuss how to enhance customers’ loyalty of housing loan by utilizing relationship marketing. Then, regression analysis will be applied to look into the suitability of its structure. This study is to provide Bank A suggestions for practicing its relationship marketing. Keywords: Relationship marketing, relationship quality, relationship benefits.
Appears in Collections:Thesis