標題: 公立中小學校教師甄選制度公平性之研究-以新竹市為例
A Study on the Equity of Teachers’ Selection System for the Public Elementary and Secondary Schools—A Survey in Hsinchu City
作者: 葉錦祥
Ye Jin-Hsiang
Dr. Douglas F.S. Lin
關鍵字: 公平性;教師甄選制度;教師評審委員會;Equity;Teachers’ Selection System;The Committee of Teacher Selection
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 公立中小學校教師甄選制度公平性之研究-------以新竹市為例 研究生:葉錦祥 指導教授:林富松博士 國立交通大學經營管理研究所 八十六學年以後,公立中小學教師的聘任必須經由各校教師評審委員會通過後,才能聘用。遂使中小學教師的進用,產生根本改變,並確立以甄選為主的 教師進用制度。 一、研究目的 (一)探討教師甄選制度之現況及問題。利用文獻資料,研究新舊教師進用制度差異性,以及從教育政策至人事法規相對性,找出制度面之缺失。 (二)探討師範體系與一般大學畢之教師對教師甄選制度反應,及其差異性。 (三)以實務的角度探討教師甄選制度「公平性」問題。 (四)探討新竹市立中小學校辦理甄選實際運作狀況,及其所遭遇的問題;並試圖提供一個辦理教師甄選的可行架構。 二、本研究主要係採取調查研究方法,以「問卷調查」方式進行分析,研究對象 以參加「新竹市市立中小學學校」九十一學年度教師甄選者,各校以達母群的3%以上作抽樣,發出519份問卷,僅回收93份回收率約18﹪,而有效問卷計89份,有效回收率亦僅有約17﹪。經分析得以下結論: (一)應試者對新竹市學校辦理教師甄選符合程序及分配公平,故公平性滿意度高。 (二)教師甄選錄取者並不必然對教師甄選制度,感覺公平性整體滿意度較高。 (三)有關聘用決定,教師甄選委員會因評定成績故有決定性,故不論學校或應甄試教師皆要尊重。 (四)現行教師甄選制度無法避開人情請託,學校要依法公開、公平、公正辦理教師甄選,並避免落人口實。 (五)教師甄選制度須發展一套評定成績的程序與標準。 (六)現行教師甄選制度無可避開歧視情狀,要設法制定法規補強,如適度辦理市內介聘。 (七)學校避免在時間上與制度規定不同的時間辦理教師甄選,引致各種後遺症。 (八)師資培育多元化的政策已達其政策目標,要改革師資培育制度使其調適。 (九)小學校是否自行辦理教師甄選,教育主政當局要評估。 (十)學校自行辦理教師甄選時,資訊要完全公開,不要有匿缺情形。 (十一)現行學校自行辦理教師甄選各自為政,教育主政當局要能改善,而非放任學校自行其是。 關鍵字:公平性,教師甄選制度,教師評審委員會
A Study on the Equity of Teachers’ Selection System for the Public Elementary and Secondary Schools—A Survey in Hsinchu City Institute of Business and Management National Chiao Tung University Graduate Student: Ye Jin-Hsiang Advisor: Douglas F.S. Lin Ph.D. Abstract The main purposes of the study are: (1) to understand the situation and problems of current teachers’ selection system for the public elementary and secondary schools from the perspective of the personnel system. (2) to investigate the opinions of teachers from normal training institutions as compared with those from general colleges. (3) to examine the “equity” of current teachers’ selection system in a practical way. (4) to probe into the real practice of Committee of Teacher Selection and Evaluation (CTSE) in the public elementary and secondary schools in Hsinchu City, with a view to provide a feasible scheme for teachers’ selection. To achieve the objectives mentioned above, a questionnaire was developed to gather data from participants of teachers’ selection held in Hsinchu City in 2002(administered to 519 samples from the public elementary and secondary schools in Hsinchu City, with a valid respoding rate of 17%). From our analysis, the study focused on the following points: (1) Most of the participants are satisfied with the equity of CTSEs in Hsinchu City. (2) Those who got admitted (to schools) do not necessarily recognize the overall equity of current teachers’ selection. system (3) CTSEs are supposed to be respected by not only participants but also schools because of their professional judgment. (4) Lobbying and bribery are sure to be strictly forbidden in order to set up an impartial image for CTSEs. (5) A better set of procedures and criteria for teachers’ selection still needs to be sought to prevent criticism. (6) The authorities concerned has priority to deal with teachers of Reduction in Force. (7) Teachers’ lection should be held within a certain period of time according to law to avoid disputations. (8) Teachers’ training institutions need reforming constantly with time. (9) An united CTSE could be set up in small schools’ area for teachers’ selection. (10) The information of teacher selection has to be shown in every possible way. (11) There are big differences in the process and methods of teachers’ selection among schools, the authorities concerned should improve the situation , not just let them stay as they are. Key word:Equity , Teachers’ Selection System, The Committee of Teacher Selection and Evaluation