標題: 價格促銷呈現方式對消費者商店選擇之影響-以連鎖藥妝店為例
The impact of price promotion on consumer's strore choice-A case of chain drugstore
作者: 陳瑩郿
Ying-Mei Chen
Jen-Hung Huang
關鍵字: 價格促銷;知覺價值;價格認知;商店選擇;連鎖藥妝店;price promotion;perceived value;price pereption;store choice;chain drugstore
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 在持續的經濟不景氣下,消費大眾支出大幅減少,零售通路經營愈顯艱難。連鎖藥妝業的龍頭-屈臣氏高分貝地喊出「保証最低價」政策,不僅使身為同業的康是康、博姿岌岌可危,就連便利超商與量販店都倍感壓力。價格促銷確實是提昇短期績效的有效工具,繼屈臣氏的政策告捷,零售業於是掀起價格促銷的風潮。據相關研究顯示,價格促銷將可能損及商品形象與其品牌權益;然而就零售商店而言,販售商品上千種,各式品類的商品在不同檔期皆可能進行不同呈現方式的價格促銷,當消費者因價格促銷而改變其對商品的評價之際,是否也連帶影響其對商店之評價,進而改變消費者的商店選擇意向? 本研究以實驗設計的方式,進行4*2*2的實驗,採用的自變數為價格促銷的四種呈現方式( 直接降價、第二件優惠、合購優惠、折價券),並在商品價格水準(高單價與低單價)與商品品牌熟悉度(知名品牌與自有品牌)的中介變數下,衡量其對消費者商店評價的影響。透過敍述統計、Cronbach’s α信度檢驗、因素分析、變異數分析(ANOVA)、共變數分析(ANCOVA)、DUNCAN分析等驗證研究假設。 研究結果顯示: 1.不同價格促銷的呈現方式對消費者商店評價的影響顯著。 2.價格促銷呈現方式與商品價格水準之交互效果顯著影響消費者商店評 價;在高單價與低單價商品上,皆以直接降價對商店評價影響最大。 3.價格促銷呈現方式與商品品牌熟悉度之交互效果亦對消費者的商店評價 有顯著之影響;不論商品牌熟悉度為何,效果上仍以直接降價較獲大眾 喜愛。 4.不同價格促銷呈現方式在消費者對特一價格促銷方案之促銷知覺價值有 顯著影響,不僅能給予超值必買之感受卻不會有對商店有品質不信任 的廉價印象聯結。 5.在消費者的價格認知方面,價格促銷呈現方式對價格認知有顯著影響, 不同的價格促銷呈現方式將給予消費者不同的價格認知。
In the continuing economic depression, popular consumption is obviously reduced. This strikes against the sales of the retailing. The head of multiple pharmacy, Watsons, claims that they are “the lowest price for sure.” This not only strikes the same trades, but also threatens to outlets and convenient stores. Price promotion makes the retailing advantaged in sales. For this reason, many multiple pharmacies keep pace of Watsons’ success. Prior research has indicated that price promotion may cause damage to product’s image and brand equity. But for retailing stores, they have different products on sale in different selling periods. When people lower their evaluation on products on sale, would they change their store evaluation? A 4(four kinds of deal frames)*2(high/low price level) *2(high/low brand awareness) factorial design experiment was employed in this study. Descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, factor analysis, one-way ANOVA, ANCOVA, DUNCAN analysis were used to test the hypotheses. The major findings of this experiment include: 1.the consumer’s store evaluation was significantly affected by different kinds of deal frames. 2.the deal frames of price promotion and product’s price level will have interaction on consumer’s store evaluation. 3.the deal frames of price promotion and product’s brand awareness will have interaction on consumer’s store evaluation. Whether the high/low price level or famous/PB product, the greatest effect is straight price promotion working upon positive store evaluation. 4.the consumer’s promotional perceived value was significantly affected by different kinds of price promotion. 5.consumers have different price perception for different kinds of price promotion.
Appears in Collections:Thesis